Best place for non-Greek male Engineering student to meet women at UA?

<p>Well, if NRDMom gets on here and sees that D perked up about her S.
D is 5’4" and probably weighs a whopping 100 pounds dripping wet, long brown hair. Athletic and casual yet can nail the girly girl when needed. She should be found hanging out in the biology building often. She knows and admires cars. She also knows sports: football, hockey and baseball. Only video game she plays is Forza.</p>

<p>I see the possibility of two STEM guys batteling it out on the Quad over a young lass…or maybe it will be the mothers batteling it out…</p>

<p>Do you think anyone will notice???</p>

<p>NRDMOM is asleep. She needs her beauty rest. She is 967 days older than me after all. ;)</p>

<p>hahahaha, I should be. Barely surviving after a house full of teenagers last night. Throw in prepping to move D to T-Town on Monday. Should so be in bed.</p>

<p>MemphisGuy - I can take pretty much anyone, except for maybe beth’s mom. She’s pretty darn quick on her feet. Of course, since she has a D and no S we really shouldn’t be battling anyway.</p>

<p>True Class2012! But I would like for her to have some options just in case the RCS boy next door thing doesn’t work out. Maybe we need to set up the CC Dating Game! Each week a CC daughter can pick from three eligible non-greek engineering students for a date to The Strip! Haha!!!</p>

<p>^^^ TXA, get on that one pronto. You can arrange this easily.</p>

<p>I’d like to throw my DS’s hat into the ring…but who am I kidding. He still wouldn’t notice a room full of pretty girls unless we could get them all to wear Jethro Tull t-shirts while reciting Firefly trivia.</p>

<p>Class2012 - You sound pretty confident but you do realize that all head to head battles in the Quad have to be fair fights…no bedazzlers allowed.</p>

<p>Sorry to take away your secret weapon but we have make sure everything is fair across campus…except in Bryant Denny of course !!!</p>

<p>I can see it now, our CC posters bright and lively D’s, perusing menus compiled by the ever hopeful parents of our darling sons:</p>

<p>“Hey Mary - what are you having?”</p>

<p>“Hmm… I think I will go for the 6’0, Blonde and Blue EE. What about you?”</p>

<p>“Well, I’m torn between the 5’10, Brown and Brown ME with the cute car and the 5’8, Ginger and Green CS, that, according to his mom, once actually talked to a girl…”</p>

<p>(Sincere thanks to the OP for starting this thread.)</p>

<p>Ian Anderson kissed me once. It was a long time ago…</p>

<p>You all are so funny! Not sure which I am looking more forward to. DD getting her acceptance and knowing where she will be going to college in Fall 2014, or DD getting her acceptance and finally being able to call myself a Bama Mom on CC!</p>

<p>Nrdmom, the scary thing is I can actually see my DD and her best friend having that conversation!</p>

<p>Missread, if we are taking back ups, I choose NC Mom’s D. We go to NC every summer anyway and a free house on the beach is hard to pass up! </p>

<p>TXA - you must be more than 967 days older than me, as I had to Google to see who Ian Anderson is.</p>

<p>And NRDMOM - who is this Mary that is choosing my sweet son?</p>

<p>Oh - and please, no one post anything about that NeverWet stuff in this thread or we may get out of hand.</p>

<p>Ya’ll have seen the most interesting man in the world commercials, right. We might have the most interesting man at UA on this forum.</p>

<p>Girls use pick up lines on him.</p>

<p>The Crimson Ride runs on his schedule.</p>

<p>Counselors go to him for advice.</p>

<p>If he joined the Million Dollar Band they would have to rename it the Two Million Dollar Band.</p>

<p>He collects sweat from his underarms and sells it as an aphrodisiac for a handsome profit.</p>

<p>Roll Tide, my friends.</p>

<p>Ok, up until now I was chuckling…but rip, that got an audible snort from me just now…</p>

<p>Ripped an audible snort…</p>

<p>Riprorin, take out the girls line and up the amount to $5.3 million and you are describing Saban.</p>

<p>Y’all are cracking me up.<br>
We need to set up a UA CC FB page for the D’s and S’s to post their info, okay, their mothers to post their info. Arrange weekly mixers for them to go and mingle. Might have to put down some ground rules like boys can not be talking to a group of more than 1 other male at a time. All males must be in the presence of at least 2 females at all times. Maybe give them the celebrity name tags to find their other half for the evening. </p>

<p>Guess all these kids are coming with some kind of dowry? LOL!
D has access to a timeshare in Cabo that we got suckered into (I do love it though).
She knows how to do laundry. I’ve tried to teach her as much about cars as I could but feel that I have fallen far short :frowning: In exchange for laundry services she needs someone to keep a check on her car. </p>

<p>C2M, I also had to look up to see who that was.</p>

<p>@Chardo - did you kidnap my son? </p>

<p>@NYBamam - you, too?</p>

<p>What is with all these tall, athletic, engineering-types who are more shy around girls than in general?</p>

<p>And, you moms of tall sons, do your guys seem to like the really short girls? All my son’s girlfriends have been at least a foot shorter than he.</p>