best place to live freshman year

Hello everyone! I will be attending UD next year and could not be more excited! I have a question for current students or grads or even parents of students! Where is the best place to live freshman year? In terms of meeting people, location, space, etc. Thanks!

You are very lucky to be entering UD next year. It appears UD will be housing most all freshman on the East Campus in a brand new dorm complex and a renovated dorm to be completed by the Fall of this year, along with new dorms completed 2 years ago. Russell Complex is also there, is much older (was renovated not that long ago as well), and I believe will be the only major dorm complex not air conditioned. All of the students in the Honors Program are housed together (have been housed in the new dorm completed 2 years ago-I don’t know if they will stay in this dorm or be moved to the newly opening dorm. In the past a small number (I believe 300-400) of freshman were housed in the North Campus in suite type rooms (two rooms share a bathroom) and the rooms are larger (but are a little more distant to most classrooms). So except for those relatively few students on the North Campus (if they continue to do this) all freshman will all be living close to one another, so I don’t really know if one dorm would be better than any other (except for lack of AC in the Russell Complex). Good luck wherever you end up (you won’t really have much of a choice anyway, even though you can request your preferences, students are assigned by housing). You will have a great time no matter where you end as long as you make an effort to socialize. In Nursing you will be spending most of your time in the library studying anyway (just kidding).

Thank you so much @mwallenmd! very helpful :slight_smile:

I agree with @Mwallenmd that you will have a great time no matter which dorm you are assigned to. When my daughter was in Russell, her entire floor would go to the cafeteria, football games and other activities together. She still looks back fondly on her Freshman year in Russell. Even without having A/C for those first two hot weeks…