Best places to live on campus?

In summary, I knew where I was going to live because my preferred major was MechE, so I would automatically be put into Wilson for CoRE. However, I recently changed my preferred major to Neuroscience so I’m back to the drawing board.

I know that freshman classes will be all over the place, so that doesn’t really matter. Plus, apparently they’ll tailor my classes to where I live.

My issue is finding the right dorm for me. I am considering a single room due to severe sleeping problems, plus I’m an only child, so I like my privacy (but I’ll be okay with a roommate if necessary). I would like suite-style bathrooms and a good social scene. I would consider Brody but it has community bathrooms and it’s a little too far on the edge of campus for my taste. I don’t plan on being in the honors college and I don’t think I want any quiet hours.

If anyone has any suggestions that would be wonderful.