<p>I know its late to apply, but I was wondering what the best schools are for someone with very high grades and SSAT scores, good teacher recommendations, varsity sports as freshman, and strong extracurricular skills. However, I am interested in a school with a good community feeling, not cutthroat but still high-acheiving, and a strong visual and performing arts curriculum. I would love a progressive school with little dress code and an emphasis on offering a diverse set of courses to an intelligent and thoughtful student body. Reputations could not matter less to me, however I would like a school with high test scores and excellent arts and academics.</p>
<p>Here is what I've seen so far:
NMH- new arts center, good community, not great academics
Williston- good community, reasonable arts,
Loomis- the perfect fit?
Hotchkiss- Formal dress code, stuck up. Good academics</p>
<p>Any comments or recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks.</p>
<p>Hotchkiss is one of the preppier schools, but it is NOT stuck up. :P</p>
<p>I LOVE Loomis so much. They have an amazing arts program, and an academics program to match. I think it matches your description “not cut-throat but still high achieving”. You can take a look at their college matriculation list; Top universities all around, but it isn’t as… well-known or prestigious as Exeter or Andover. Exeter and Andover DO have better academics, but they’re both known for their competitive-ness. (That can be a great thing, or a drawback, depending on the kind of person you are, I think)</p>
<p>NMH has great academics. Their program is really developing and it is one of the more up-and-coming schools. Williston; I don’t know much about, but I’m almost certain that NMH’s academics are strong than Williston.</p>
<p>Loomis Chaffee ftw! <3
(But this is just MY opinion. You should visit and … check the school out! )</p>
I would recommend Milton & Concord, but both have high day student percentages, so I’m not sure about “community”, you know? Well, if you’re a day student, both would be superb, I think… Haha :P</p>
<p>You want Concord, I can tell you right now. Community is tight (despite what statistics may imply about boarding life), arts are a huge emphasis, it’s absolutely NOT about competition, yet everyone is incredibly smart. It basically fits your profile exactly.</p>
<p>Thanks for the help. I will check out Concord Academy and Loomis. Sorry for assuming that Hotchkiss is stuck up, I was judging only the formal dress code and relatively small amount of financial aid offered.</p>
<p>defusee- Where do you see the statistics that Concord has the highest SAT in the country? From the numbers I’ve seen, Concord’s average is 2040, while Exeter’s is 2085, Groton’s is 2080, Middlesex’s is 2070, and Milton’s is 2062.</p>
<p>These are close, but it proves that Concord is certainly not the top. Rather, it holds the number 5 position. I think I know what you were thinking (correct me if I’m wrong)…on Boarding School Review, the schools with average SAT scores above 2000 are placed in a pool together, listed alphabetically. Thus, Concord is placed at the top. But that does not mean it’s number one.</p>
<p>Overall, Loomis would be a good fit for you. I would add Milton, Andover, and Exeter to your list but you cannot bank on them… All of them have sub 17% admission rates.</p>
<p>NMH has 6 different types of Chemistry (including two levels of AP Chem). </p>
<p>20 AP flavors, plus an increasing encouragement for students to take AP exams straight off of regular English and Regular US history classes.</p>
<p>All classes are 15 or less in discussion based seminar style.</p>
<p>New Dean of Faculty (from Milton) has eliminated the formerly required Physic/algebra get-everyone-on-the-same-page class and replaced it with pre-admission testing. Now advanced students can blast ahead as fast as they are able. </p>
<p>This year the school is participating in three seperate math competition series - not through a math club (although that exists) but everybody from the top math classes is getting on board.</p>
<p>Perhaps you should add Mercersburg to your list. It’s a school my S is considering along with Deerfield and Cate. Here are a few of my personal observations of Mercersburg. </p>
<p>They have a superb arts program and a new 65,000 sq ft arts center </p>
<p>The sports programs are great - 54 Olympic medalists. </p>
<p>Casual but respectful dress code. </p>
<p>Diverse student population appears to have a cohesive sense of community and school pride.</p>
<p>40 AP courses. Academic metrics have improved measurably during the past several years and I expect the trend will continue, but they still trail in a few areas. Admission is becoming more and more highly selective. The academy hired a new head of school about 10 years ago and its obvious that he and his team have done a lot to create vision, traction and momentum for Mercersburg. The school is using its large endowment to attract top students and faculty. </p>
<p>Fantastic campus, but like Hotchkiss, Deerfield, SPS and NMH, it’s a little remote (about 85 miles from Georgetown / Washington DC).</p>
<p>Hey i would look at Choate Rosemary Hall. My brother goes there and LOVES it!!! THe communtiy there is down to earth and everyone has a great time. Academically, i would not be a good fit for it, but for you it might be. Also they have unbelievable arts along with having an amazing theater, The Paul Mellon Arts Center (PMAC). Its located in Wallingoford, CT and its absolutely gorgeous. In addition, there are many resaurants including the famous Archie Moores which everyone on campus knows about.
Anyways, if your serious about the arts, the academics, and want outstanding facilities, with just an UNBELIEVEABLE communtiy atomosphere i would check it out!!!
<p>I second the vote for Choate. DS goes there and could not be happier. He too is an athlete, into arts and smart. He picked it because the kids are NICE. Excellence, but not at the expense of others, just an atmosphere of high personal achievement - they celebrate each other’s success. Also, their dress code is fairly relaxed. Good luck to you - remember there are many great schools out there.</p>
<p>Go visit St. Paul’s in Concord New Hampshire. The students are nice, and academics are top-notch (with a fantastic Ivy placement), there’s a great drama department, and an outstanding ballet company. There’s a separate visual arts building with separate studios for different media. Although there’s a no-jeans dress code, the students are more LL Bean than GQ. The 2000-acre campus cannot be rivaled and the athletic center is the best in the 10 schools.</p>
<p>for next fall TOTALLY check out st. paul’s. its a 100% boarding school with a strong community. plus the art dept it amazing. the school is so beautiful. I would highly recommend checking it out for fall 10</p>