<p>Chem and Bio must be taken with the lab. Also, as a pre-med, many classes will be taken w/lab ideally. Also, NBB is not really a tough major. It has one tough course. The other requirements are not that tough to complete at all (and many of the courses are just flat out easy). Just use the GERs as the side classes you take each semester for interest (at least the HAP and HAL credits). It really isn’t that hard to do. I’m a chem./bio double major and it has been no problem at all. I’ve done most of my major requirements (including grad. school electives) plus the GERs(except the extra PEs) and many other non-science courses that interested me. Basically I’ve done my majors and more “GER-like” (as in classes for interest) courses than Emory requires. I’m kind of one of those “scholarly” types that really tries to learn as much as possible, despite the grades. My grades are ok (somewhat below Emory graduating average at like a 3.25-3.3, but I’m a double science major in the subjects that have an average of 2.8ish and I’ve taken the toughest courses available. Plus not bad for a first generation African American college student lol) considering the courses I took so I don’t regret my approach at all because I’ve learned and retained lots of info. in and outside of science. It’s nice to be able to carry on conversations and apply knowledge from several different areas. If I kept it simple and took no risks, my experience here would have been a waste.I’m on Emory Advantage, so there is hardly a fin. risk to having a sub 3.7-4.0 GPA. I basically attend here for free. No risk in getting the most out of it at all.</p>
<p>If you think these GERs seem stringent, you should have seen them before 2008. Emory was much tougher and serious about liberal arts then. I actually think I would have preferred it that way as it would have provided a more unified academic experience instead of allowing everyone to avoid going out of their comfort zone as the new, almost joke-like, GERs do. Now Emory’s cirriculum and GERs are have hardly no uniqueness. We’re like most of the other comparable top 20s of our size.</p>
<p>Anyway, I really don’t understand what a PPF is and will find out this fall as I am enrolled in one lol. I’m guessing that it has a “classroom” component on top of the actual physical component.</p>