Best SAT Math book for me?

So I took the SAT for the first time in May. I received an 1820 with a 620 in reading, a 630 in writing, and a 590 in math. I always seem to be behind in my math performance. I have been looking for books that can help me improve my math score. So far I am considering PWN the Sat Math guide, Phillip Keller’s The New Math SAT Game Plan, and dr. chungs. Which one in your opinion will help me improve most? Are there any other books you could suggest?

Given your score, and my own experience with PWN the SAT and Dr. Chung’s, I’d say you ought to get PWN the SAT. PWN the SAT breaks down pretty much every type of question, and gives you straightforward ways of solving them, in an amusing way too. Plus, his website is incredibly useful as well, with unlimited access to the math section included with your purchase of the math book (lol it sounds like I’m advertising, but in all seriousness, it’s totally worth every penny). I bought Dr. Chung’s originally, was scoring around the same as you are now, and couldn’t really understand it at all. I’m going through it now after completing the PWN the SAT book, and is solid for challenging yourself with high-level questions. But what you need right now is to nail the basics to medium-level questions, which PWN has excellent practice for.