Best SAT Word List?

<p>Since I'm taking the SAT's in a few months, I figured i might as well learn some new vocabulary words since it's really weak. Is there a specific list which contains words that appear on the SAT's frequently?</p>

<p>Kaplan and Princeton Review all have their lists about the most frequently appearing words on the SAT.</p>

<p>Wait, have you played Free Rice? is a game that donates 10 grains of rice for every right answer in the vocab game. It will test words on your level.</p>

<p>COOOL Liist, I just started playing Free Rice and I'm absolutely hooked! What a great way to help underprivileged people while at the same time learning words</p>

<p>Welcome to CC Sikhminded!</p>

<p>lotf's Sesame Words list found that the 1900 word list covered something like 80% of CR words. Anyway its free: Sesame</a> Words: Academic and SAT Vocabulary
and it was a method I found to be helpful (too lazy to go out and find the Barron's one :P, but no regrets)</p>

<p>Just a friendly reminder, but especially with the Google search mechanism now, you could have found the answer to your question on plenty of past threads :)</p>

<p>The book "Hot Words for the SAT I" (</a> Hot Words for the SAT I: Books: Linda Carnevale) really helped me get the 800 on CR. It's organized by categories, which makes it very nice. At the end, I'd write out words from each category that I had trouble memorizing on a sheet of paper and memorized it visually (i.e., words crammed all together by category on that sheet).</p>