Best schools for political networking?

<p>I think you need to add the National Security Advisor and NSC Chairman to the list. He comes form a third track which is former military where he was once the Commander of NATO.
Office/ Undergrad / Grad-professional degree/ Political base-network</p>

<p>Secretary of State / Wellesley / Yale Law / Arkansas, DC & New York*
Treasury Secretary / Dartmouth / Johns Hopkins / DC & New York
Defense Secretary / William & Mary / Indiana & Georgetown / DC
Attorney General / Columbia / Columbia Law / DC
Interior Secretary / Colorado College / Michigan Law / Colorado*
Ag Secretary / Hamilton / Albany Law / Iowa*
Commerce Secretary / Yale / BU Law / Washington State*
Labor Secretary / Cal Poly Pomona / Southern Cal / California*
HHS Secretary / Trinity Washington / U Kansas / Kansas*
HUD Secretary / Harvard / Harvard / DC & New York
Transportation Secretary / Bradley / none / Illinois*
Energy Secretary / U Rochester / UC Berkeley / academia
Education Secretary / Harvard / none / Illinois
VA Secretary / West Point / Duke, National War College/ military
Homeland Security Secretary / Santa Clara / UVA Law / Arizona*
Council of Econ. Advisers Chair / William & Mary / MIT / academia
EPA Administrator / Tulane / Princeton / New Jersey
OMB Director / Princeton / LSE / DC
US Trade Representative / Austin College / UT-Austin Law/ Texas*
UN Ambassador / Stanford / Oxford / DC
Chief of Staff / Sarah Lawrence / Northwestern / DC & Illinois
National Security Advisor and NSC Chairmen/Georgetown/Military</p>

<p>^ Look, guys, I know you wanto to spin this to get your own schools in there, but I was just listing “Cabinet” and “Cabinet-rank” positions. If you want to to start adding other “influentials” you’d need to add a whole bunch of other key White House personnel, like</p>

<p>WH Senior Adviser David Axelrod / U Chicago / none / Illinois
WH Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett / Stanford / Michigan Law / Illinois
Press Secretary Robert Gibbs / NC State / North Carolina & Alabama
National Economic Council Chair Lawrence Summers / MIT / Harvard / DC & academia
Energy & environment “czar” Carol Browner / U Florida / U Florida Law / Florida & DC</p>

<p>and many others. More sensible to stop, I think, with those in the Cabinet and/or officially considered to have Cabinet rank.</p>

<p>I’ve read that Washington & Lee attracts the offspring of DC powers. So, if you want to be connected to influencial mommies and daddies…</p>