<p>Columbia should be in the mix as a ‘best school’ for future politicians, politicos and the like.</p>
<p>Consider the alum base, which includes folks like Barack Obama, President of the U.S. CC’83, Eric Holder, Attorney General, CC’73, Judd Gregg, New Hampshire Senator, CC’69, conservative pundit Ben Stein, CC’66, Ben Jealous, CC’95, President of NAACP, George Stephanopoulos, CC’82, now Anchor of Good Morning America, David Paterson, CC’77, Governor of NY State, Mike Mukasey, CC’63, the previous Attorney General, several US reps, major city mayors, and even Meagan McCain, CC’07, just to name a few.</p>
<p>There’s a long history of Supreme Court Justices like John Jay, founding fathers like Alexander Hamilton and major world leaders who have graduated (founder of the African National Congress, writer of the Indian Constitution, major ambassadors to nations during challenging periods in modern history). </p>
<p>Columbia is arguably the most politically active campus in the country where undergraduates are not afraid to protest, counter-protest and take on some tough conversations. Surprisingly, the campus is more diverse politically than you might think.</p>
<p>Columbia brings major national and world leaders to campus through The World Leaders Forum, The Earth Institute and ServiceNation.</p>
<p>One of the world’s best Political Science departments with exclusive internships at the United Nations among other opportunities.</p>
<p>Just adding CU to the mix.</p>