Best SOCIAL Dorms for Freshman?

What are the best SOCIAL dorms for incoming freshman? There are a lot of discussions about the newest ones but I want to know which ones are the best for meeting people and having a good time. Which ones are most popular and have the most social people? I obviously don’t want to be in the smallest/grossest dorm there but I want to be in one with the best people. Does anyone know which ones are okay look wise and social wise?

Well you have no say in what dorm you live in unless you live in a Living-Learning Community. I am in the DaVinci LLC in Lee Hall and it’s definitely less than ideal in terms of socializing. I’ve heard the Residential College at West AJ is good, or the Honors Residential College at East AJ if you qualify

First of all, let me say DON’T do Lee or any living learning community. It’s a bunch of nerds and you won’t make friends, I’m not exaggerating. Everyone I know in Lee hates it. I went in there on a saturday night one time and, as I walked through the hall, I saw that EVERYONE was glued to their computer playing a game. It was terrible. Other LLCs like West AJ just attract the studies and shy types.

Now, as the previous poster said, if you choose not to do an LLC (and choosing not to is a good idea) you’ll have no say in where you live. 95% of freshman end up in, from decreasing size:


The other 5% get put in random places due to housing constraints. The places to be are Pritchard and O’Shag IMO. Slusher, Pritchard, and O’Shag are the 3 biggest of those, and there’s always fun going on, except Slusher is total crap and makes me claustrophobic just being there.

I’d be happy to give more advice if you need it :slight_smile:

Thank you so much!! This helped me a lot :slight_smile:

You can’t apply for a certain residence hall, it’s all random. If you want the run down though, Slusher (which I’m in) is disgusting and loud, Pritchard is a huge party dorm , the AJ’s and New Residence halls are suites and are quiet, O’Shag and Vawter are also party dorms but not to Pritchard’s extent, and I honestly don’t know anyone from Barringer, Miles, Peddrew-Yates, or Johnson. I would disagree with the other person, because everyone I know in Lee loves it, but I guess it just depends on the person. I’m pretty reserved so being in Slusher is just a complete nightmare for me.

My son attended summer academy and lived in an older traditional (corridor style) dorm. Currently he lives in an LL - suite style. He told us the first week that he would prefer living in the older dorm. It was much better from a social perspective. I don’t think he hangs around with any of his suitemates–therefore, the current living arrangements have not been conducive to making friends.

My older son had the exact same experience at another large university - no friends in his suite - enjoyed the corridor style dorm more. Needless to say we won’t be making the same mistake with number three. We’ll forego the air conditioning for a better chance at making friends.

The suite dorms are not conducive to meeting people outside your immediate suite. If you are friends with everyone in your suite that’s great but you won’t easily meet people in the other suites in the dorm. The worst case would be that you don’t like anyone in your own suite and can’t easily meet others. Traditional dorms including EAJ and WAJ have rooms off a common hallway. Students are always wandering around and open doors facilitate meeting others.

Whether dorms are “party” or not will change over time. I think going co-ed has helped curb the excesses of the past.

@ChrisTKD that is exactly what happened. He’s not extremely outgoing and isn’t in sync with his suitemates. However, since he went to summer academy, he has friends from that experience. I was just hoping he would branch out a litle more during the school year.

Im currently in the Resicential Leadership Community in Peddrew Yates and love it! We aleays have a lot going on and the suite style set up is amazing (+air conditionig)!