
<p>So what are peoples opinions as to the best dorms to live in?</p>

<p>I've heard that Barringer, Vawter, O"Shagnessey, and Lee are all good dorms. I know that Pritchard is terrible as I have been in that one. I thought Ambler Johnston was a good dorm because it apparently has two feet more room lengthwise, but somebody told me its no good as well.</p>

<p>What is the biggest dorm in terms of capacity?</p>

<p>Barringer, Vawter and O'Shag aren't the worst but they're far from the best. The newer ones (New Res, Payne, Peddrew-Yates) are the best since they're air conditioned and many are carpeted and suite style. They're building new dorms too which will be better than anything else on campus. Then you have ones like Barringer (where I lived freshman year), Vawter (Barringer clone) and O'Shag that don't have AC but aren't that bad. The atmosphere is alright and I didn't mind living there much. Then you have the hell-holes that are AJ (both east and west) and Pritchard. No AC, lots of noise, usually smells bad, lots of floors, just no good. AJ is getting partially shut down soon which is good.</p>

<p>Edit: Biggest are probably Pritchard (all male), AJ (co-ed) and Slusher (all female.)</p>

<p>can anyone tell me what the cadet dorms are like. are they basically the same as all the other dorms, but only populated by cadets, or are they more "military"?</p>

<p>They tend to be the older dorms on the older section of campus. They're made out of brick instead of hokie stone and I don't think they're as nice but I'm not sure.
Student</a> Programs - Virginia Tech - Virtual Tour
Theres info on all of the dorms.</p>

<p>To be perfectly honest I can never in good faith suggest the dorms to anyone. It's really terrible how much they jerk us around and take advantage of us for being trapped here. But you're required to live in them as a freshman, so I guess it doesn't much matter.</p>

<p>I know some schools have like a survey you fill out so you end up rooming with someone with similar likes/dislikes. Does tech do this? And when will i get my housing info, i just submitted my matriculation fee today</p>

<p>esmitty01, I didn't see any survey like that. I did hope we would have one. I hope I don't get a crazy roommate!!</p>

<p>what is it like living without air conditioning. i come from FL where it is absolutely essential everywhere. does it get really unbearable in the dorms without air conditioning? or is it more of just a seasonal thing where its only hot for a couple weeks out of a year?</p>

<p>My D was in the cadet dorm this year (Monteith). she was on the 3rd floor and the cadets were ont the 1st and 2nd. It was a terrible dorm. very small rooms. The beds are loftable though. Her roommate complained of being awakened early by the cadets. My D never heard them. The dorms are far from the action on campus but near her classes.<br>
She was paired (at random?) with a roommate she loved. They did everything together until the roommate got a boyfriend and now never stays in her room. So that's not bad either. Lack of airconditionning was rough the 1st couple or 3 weeks and a few days in Sept and Oct. It's bearable when you know it's not going to last.</p>

<p>random question.....i just accepted admission for the fall and my two friends and i are wondering if there are any triple rooms available for freshman?</p>

<p>The hosing option gave a choice preference fro a triple I believe.</p>

<p>Did you guys already get a housing option form? If so when did you submit your matriculation fee?</p>

<p>I submitted my fee sometime last week. The turn around was pretty quick. I got an email from VT telling me I could create my PID. After that everything is done online.</p>

<p>Don't. Get. A. Triple. Unless they're something I'm totally unaware of "triples" are converted lounges, which means no sink and not enough internet connections.</p>

<p>The AC thing is kind of bad but if you get two box window fans it's bearable.</p>

<p>So which dorm should I really try to get (preferably coed)? I visited the campus in like october, and I really don't remember much about the dorms. I am trying to get this housing thing in as soon as possible.</p>

<p>Hi kindaslick,
I really don't know how much of a choice freshman have. If I remember correctly, the housing questionnaire consisted of just a few questions; did you want co-ed or single sex dorm, what type of visitation hours did you prefer, and if you wanted traditional dorm or suite-style. It did not give an option last year of requesting a particular dorm. I don't even think you filled out any roommate preference thing (are you an early riser vs night owl, neat person vs. messy).</p>

<p>^^Hmm, yeh I have not looked at the form yet but my dad gave me the impression that you could put down a dorm preferance. Regardless, Ive heard from others that I don't have much say in the matter anyway which sorta stinks.</p>