Best UCs for Undecided/Undeclared?

Hi, I’m a rising senior in high school looking to go to school in California, and I wanted to know which UCs have the best support systems or programs for helping people who are undeclared. I am interested in pursuing STEM related courses, but I also have a passion for visual arts and graphics design. Which UC (or any school in California, really) will help me find a major I enjoy and stick with it?

What kind of STEM majors are possibilities?

At many campuses, CS and engineering majors are filled to capacity, so changing into them if not already in them can be difficult.

Note that if you are not a California resident, there in no need based financial aid at California public universities.

Many of the UC’s have Undeclared/Undecided exploratory programs but as @ucbalumnus stated that many STEM majors may be hard to change into later once you have decided on your major path. UCSC might be a good option since you are admitted into a “proposed major” and not required to declare a major until end of Sophomore year. Exception is Engineering majors in the Bourn College of Engineering.

Other UC Undeclared programs:

@ucbalumnus I’ve really enjoyed all of the science classes I’ve taken throughout high school (Bio, Chemistry, Physics) so I’m a bit torn about settling into one. I’m taking an Engineering class this upcoming year to see if it would be something I would want to major in since it is a very impacted major in most places. If not, I would be open to biology, physics and maybe even psychology (if that counts as STEM) majors.

I am curious what you decided on. I have a junior who is undecided math, chemistry, physics, comp sci, engineering, who knows.
