best undergrad chem program?

<p>Hello, I'm currently a junior in h.s., I've got a 31 on the ACT (should be better soon). I'm in the top 20, probably top 10 by the end, and I'm probably a national merit semifinalist. I also have absolutely no way to pay for anything. In case you didn't guess, I'm planning to major in chem and I've been having trouble sifting through all of the info everywhere, so I was wondering, does anyone know what the best undergrad chem programs would be that I actually have a chance of getting into?</p>

<p>This topic has been discussed ad nauseam. </p>

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<p>…etc. </p>

<p>I predict several posters will proceed to post after me – and I doubt any of them will suggest a school not mentioned in the above links. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>This is something that will probably be dependent upon your specific passions and thus you may not know what would be the very best program. For instance, the kind of places that excel in organic synthesis might not have a great program in analytical or whatever. Your best bet is to choose an university with a large diversity of faculty in chemistry. To that effect, may I suggest UW Madison. It is very well regarded in chemistry and has a newish building, terrific library, excellent labs etc. Best of luck in your search.</p>

<p>thanks, that’s really helpful. Are any of those not obscenely hard to get into? Because as I said, I pretty much can’t go if I can’t find a way to get everything paid for. and I have dial-up which is why I’m asking for help :)</p>

<p>In which state do you live? Midwest? Just a guess.</p>

<p>As a chemistry undergrad, the most important thing for you is to go somewhere where you can do considerable research. This, more than anything else, will matter for hiring and grad school later.</p>

<p>In the midwest some top programs are at Wisconsin, Chicago, Illinois, and Northwestern</p>

<p>well I’m actually from mississippi, but I’m open to going anywhere, the only problem I have is money</p>