Best Way for Accepted Students to Meet Each Other?

My son was accepted to UA. He is quite excited about the possibility of going to Alabama. It is a great school and a beautiful campus. I have heard through other posts that future students are meeting each other through various social media groups. Does anyone have an idea of what groups my son should look for to meet other future students? Thank you! BTW, what an incredible group of people on here - so helpful, warm, and encouraging.

I’m no help with the social media groups. I’m pretty sure there’s some on FB, but I know my DS was finding people on other platforms (like GroupMe).

I do highly recommend Camp 1831 or one of the Honors Action programs for making friends. DS seems to spend most of his time with friends he made at 1831 and Bama Bound.

I’m a senior in HS, so I haven’t experienced this yet, but the majority of my friends graduated last year and are in college now. A lot of them used Facebook groups for incoming freshmen to ask questions, find dorm-mates, etc. I’d say 85% of my friends found their dormates this way. It’s still really early, so Alabama’s 2022 class groups may not be up and running yet. I’d search something like “UA 2022” to find them. Good luck & congrats!

DS is now a junior, he is rarely on social media sites like FB, most of his friends aren’t either. I know it was popular w/ girls, but not anything he was interested in doing.

If possible, the early action programs would be a good start for establishing friendships. We didn’t know about them until they were already filled and DS didn’t want to go any earlier anyway.

I have advised this before: IF a student is not planning on going Greek, do NOT, repeat, NOT room with anyone who plans on doing so. They are very busy in the early days, and those not “Greeking” are often left alone and struggle to feel connected or establish friendships.

Also, students do not have to go Greek to make those connections, DS has a large group of friends, very nice young men and women, and none of them are in the Greek system.

It all does manage to work out regardless of the path taken, though I know I worried about it, much more than DS. :slight_smile: