Best way to get a position in a club?

So I’ve been going to my schools Amnesty International Club for the entire school year pretty much (missed the first meeting) and I contribute and pitch ideas in the club for fundraising and such. I really want to get a position because I’m really interested and want to have some club positions in high school. And it really annoys me because all the kids who do have positions have 10,000 other positions in other clubs and don’t even show up. LIKE WTF! lol but seriously out of the 5 people with positions probably only 2 of them have come more then 3 times.

Any tips to nudge my way into a position?
How do you guys do it? Just ask the president?



Well, make sure you’re contributing to the club and being kind to everyone. After all, most club positions are given to upperclassmen and decided upon the rest of the members.