Best way to transfer into nursing at UCLA?

I’m a second year stats major at my community college and I found out pretty recently that I wanted to study nursing. My GPA is pretty high with a good amount of ECs and I’m pretty confident that I can get into UCLA (my dream school) as a stats major, but not for nursing. I have all of my prereqs done for stats (the major I originally planned on studying) but for nursing the only classes I’ll be missing (by the end of spring) are anatomy and physiology. I really do not want to stay at my community college for just one extra year for only 2 classes that I can easily just do over summer. I’m planning on just applying for stats and trying to switch to nursing after I get accepted, but I won’t be able to do that until the end of summer because that’s when I’ll be done with the prereqs needed to change my major. The only problem is that the chances of changing your major for nursing are extremely slim from what I’ve heard and I would be stuck with stats for 2 years which I really do not want. Anyone have any advice?

As described in another recent post, it is almost impossible to get into UCLA’s nursing program. Your best bet may be to look at programs in some nearby states, such as public universities in Nevada that provide discounts for California residents.

Most people who want to eventually become a nurse major in biology, so they can get as many courses out of the way as possible. Usually a nursing major only needs one stats class.

I might have been a little unclear in what I was saying. I originally planned to apply to transfer from my CC as a stats major, but changed my mind and decided that I want to do get a B.S in nursing preferably from UCLA so the plan was to apply for stats->get accepted->change major to nursing, but it looks like that’s not gonna happen. If I can get in for biology at a different school like Berkeley or UCSD, how long would it take to get a masters in nursing after a bachelors in bio?

If you call Mark Covin, who is the Student Recruitment Coordinator at the UCLA School of Nursing [310-825-3109], he may be able to give you some guidance regarding the likelihood of transferring into the program which is extremely difficult since they do not have many openings. The UCLA School of Nursing is having an Admissions Info. Session on Sat. Nov. 7 from 11am to 1 pm at the SON. The prerequisites for nursing are generally chemistry, microbiology, lifespan human development, stats, and anatomy and physiology. A full year of A &P is usually done over 2 semesters - a summer A & P class may not count. If your intention is to becoma a RN as soon as possible, then you may want to transfer into nursing at your CC & get an associates in nursing then later you could transfer to UCLA or another school & do a RN to BSN degree. If you decide to get a bachelors degree in biology then the 2nd bachelors in nursing is more popular and realistically attainable than the programs where you get a masters degree in nursing with out having the bachelors in nursing as a foundation. Read through the nursing major thread which is posted under your thread. There is a link to the California NCLEX results & that will give you a list of all the accredited RN nursing programs in the state.

Interesting…Thank you!