Better choice: Umich economics or UIUC accounting?

<p>Assuming that costs aren't a factor and that I will be able to achieve good grades at both institutions, which one will be more valuable for my future career ( good job opportunities, salary, etc)? All opinions are appreciated. Thank you very much.</p>

<p>They are very different majors. V
Both have good job opportunities, again, very different. Which is more interesting to you? Look at the courses/ choices for each major to help you decide. And why not accounting at michigan or economics at Illinois?</p>

<p>that was the way I was accepted to these schools. What types of jobs am I looking at in terms of future salary, job opportunities? I enjoy both majors equally. Thank you.</p>

<p>I’m a Senior at UIUC studying Finance and Business Administration, though I was originally accepted as an accounting major and had a a change of heart. If you’re set on going big 4 accounting, there really aren’t many better choices than UIUC. It won’t take too much effort to land a big4 gig once you’re in and even if you don’t get that, you’re pretty much guaranteed some kind of accounting job making 55-60k+. That said, if you’re looking for opportunities outside of straight accounting, the opportunities at UIUC are limited so you will have to be at the top of the totem pole to stand out, but if you’re willing to work hard, then it’s definitely doable. I can’t speak on UMich, but I know their business school is considered a notch above ours - again, that only matters if you’re aiming for something higher than making 60k a year at Fortune 500/Big Four. Hopefully this helps!</p>

<p>When you say 60k, you’re talking straight out of college with a bachelors at UIUC right? You’re not saying that the salary stagnates at 60k correct? Btw thank you for the reply</p>

<p>I know UMich has a really respectable business school that has recruiters from prestigious companies. I don’t know about UIUC. When I think about UIUC I think about Engineering. It depends what you want to do after. </p>

<p>For accounting, I have seen UIUC consistently rated above Michigan. Vice versa for economics. Reality is you can’t get where you want to go from either. As for cost, it is always a factor.</p>

<p>what do you mean “you can’t get where you want to go from either?” </p>

<p>You can have a fine career with any of your choices.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply. It said you “can’t” instead of you “can” in your first post which caused me some confusion. Thanks for the clarification though. I was initially astonished that someone would think I wouldn’t be able to get anywhere from either school lol</p>

<p>Sorry about that and good luck with your future.</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>Yes, 60k is your starting - where people go from there is heavily dependent on them. </p>

<p>bump bump bump.</p>




<p>It depends on what type of career fields you want to enter. Economics is an extremely versatile field. As an econ student I wouldn’t recommending pursuing it unless you’re truly passionate about it. </p>