<p>Well after visiting swarthmore, everything but the most important thing went wrong..
my interview.</p>
<p>Thats was the first thing I did while visiting and i was a nervous wreck and the fact that I had a nonchalant senior interviewing me only made the situation worse for me.
(she was a good person, but she struck me as someone who was all about business)</p>
<p>After the interview I visited some classes, had a chat with a cool senior and a professor.</p>
<p>My interviewer gave me her business card with her name on it, which I misplaced. :(
On the common app supplement it asks if you have ever been interviewed if so put the date and the interviews name......</p>
<p>Do you think I would be better off leaving it blank?
Or is that technically lying. o.0
I dont remember her name, although if i can get the name of the interviewers I can surely spot her name out.
But it will sound really ignorant calling the school and saying "i forgot the name of the interviewer, please read me their names"</p>
<p>Just call the admissions office. Be candid and say very much what you said here - that you misplaced the card and want to get your interviewer’s name right. If you tell them when you interviewed, they’ll just look it up and give you the right name. </p>
<p>I’m sure it’s not the first time this has happened. It’s a very human thing and nobody will think the worse of you for it. </p>
<p>And it’s a nice reminder to send your interviewer a thank-you note, anyway. </p>
<p>Just call the admissions office tomorrow and say that you want to send a thank-you e-mail but you lost the card of your interviewer. Trust me, you won’t be the first. The people answering phones can probably figure it out for you.</p>
<p>It’s better if you indicate you interviewed on your application. Considering that you just live a few minutes from campus, they will think you aren’t really interested if you didn’t interview.</p>
<p>Honestly. Don’t worry about it. It’s a college. They are used to dealing with college students. College students would lose their own heads if they weren’t sewn on. Ever see a college student wearing mittens? Nope. Lost 'em.</p>
<p>What if they use special disintergrating business cards and you can only get in if you admit you do not have the card! Oops, sorry I confused my daughter’s college search with my nephews CIA application.</p>