Better to buy the international version or previous edition of a class textbook?

<p>Hello, I wanted to ask, is it better to buy the previous edition or the international edition of a text book to avoid paying full price for the regular edition? What I mean by better is what version would be closer in terms of page and chapter placement to the regular version? My class requires us to buy "Organizational Behavior: Science, the Real World, and You, by Nelson, 8th Edition" which is about $220 at retail price. I searched online and found the international 8th edition for $73 and the 7th edition for $25, but which version would probably be closer to the regular 8th version in terms of page and chapter placement, and included content to give me less confusion in class? Thank you for your time.</p>

<p>International books I’ve bought for my son have always been identical to the US edition except for the covers, and maybe binding. Chapter questions and text have always been the same. Though once I ordered an international edition not realizing it was in metric units and not American. </p>

<p>Always amazed that even sent from other countries, the books typically arrive in a week or less.</p>