(BFA Acting)- Cornish College of the Arts and University of Miami

<p>Anybody know anything about these programs? I think living in Seattle may be different and interesting. Though, I never hear any of you talk about Cornish at all. Is this suppose to a more classical acting program? How is Seattle for acting? All I know is that it rains a lot there. I also discovered The University of Miami's program for a BFA in acting. I am actually from South Florida, and loved it there. Though, I didn't live in Miami. I know Miami pretty good and have visited it lots of times. I would even have connections there to get a talent agent. My cousin's use to live in that area where UM is. I am just afraid of Miami if you know what I mean. My uncle always got his car stolen or someone steeling his gasoline or broken into and lots of crime in Miami. I would also be concerned with having to learn Spanish. I actually would be taking French next year, but I know in Miami you need to know Spanish to get a job. The pro is that they have great Cuban Food! Is the program good? How about these programs: College of Santa Fe and Ball State University? Thanks so much!</p>

<p>i live near Seattle, and I’ve visited Cornish. it really depends on what you want in an acting program. experimental theatre and small, new, edgy plays are big here. this is not a huge musical town. Cornish was very focused on individualism, and really experimenting, doing your own thing. and it definitely rains a lot!!</p>

<p>I’m not into musical towns anyways. I have done film acting, but it seems like a good program.</p>

<p>Is it known for a good school in the area and is it popular?</p>

<p>It is known as a good school IN THE AREA!! I put this in caps because that is what it is, in seattle it is respected (because it is the only arts school in washington) but outside of seattle, i don’t think many people know about it. it is a very small school, most people who live around here and are going to school for music, dance, or theater use it as a safety school, and then apply to the big schools. It definitly has a certain vibe, it is not a school for everyone. I liked it, but decided it really wasn’t what I was looking for.</p>

<p>It was in the Unifieds, so I would think it has a program. Would you recommend to me? Do they have professors from other higher ranked schools? Ty</p>

<p>I would recommend it if you are into small schools, very experimental and intimate. they don’t have a large theatre, just a small round about theatre. and it is very rainy and gray here…if you are looking for an acting machine of a school, where everyone goes straight to broadway or hollywood, that schools is not for you. most alumni stay in seattle and work in rep theatre, or start their own companies. it is a very alternative theatre scene. i’m not sure about the professors, i liked the guy, he seemed to be knowledgeable, if you go on their website you can read about him and see what his degree is in, and where it is from. good luck!</p>

<p>Hey, I don’t know any program whre everyone goes straight to Broadway or Hollywood! :D</p>

<p>soozievt, i laughed when i saw your post…it’s true. what i meant was, i don’t think that they have any alumni that performed on broadway or hollywood.</p>

<p>littlemermaid…oh! Well, just didn’t want anyone to think that everyone goes to Broadway after any of the other programs!</p>

<p>I guess it’s one of those smaller programs. They don’t have anyone who have ever made it? Is it new, lol? Maybe it’s not for me.</p>

<p>i think the term “made it” is relative…are they happy? i don’t really know, i haven’t talked to any graduates. it’s not new, it’s been there for awhile. it’s just really small, but i think the people who decide to attend really like it!!</p>

<p>Ok, thanks littlemermaid. Is the acting program suppose to be more classical theater than modern?</p>

<p>uhh brendan fraser?</p>

<p>I was actually accepted into UMiami’s program last year and paid a visit. I found the program to be very appealing, and almost went there.</p>

<p>Although UMiami is more known for their Musical Theater Programs (I say programs because they have both a BFA Through their acting school and BM which is also through their frost school of music) their acting program is also pretty strong, and they have a very high rate of alumni who work after graduation. UMiami also only takes 6 BFA Actors each year, so the program is highly selective. The campus is also amazing and beautiful. And safe. So although there are parts of Miami that are dangerous, you will be safe while living on campus, and there parts of Miami that are safe as well.</p>

<p>I would highly recommend checking out their website, auditioning, and visiting UMiami to see if it appeals to you. It’s not that well known but I really feel it’s a strong program.</p>

<p>Son Of Tranquil: Where did you decide to go instead of UMiami? My S was accepted into their BFA Acting Program too. And I was wondering why you did not choose it? Thanks.</p>

<p>Hi bugatti (we know one another :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>I also know Son of Tranquil. He is a current college student and is not on this forum that much and so I don’t know if he’ll see your post in a timely fashion or not. You could click on his name and send an email to him. You also can read all of his back posts. He has explained some of this on CC in his past posts on the forum. He applied to colleges originally for a BFA in MT and didn’t get into any of those but did get into a fine BA university with a MT major and went there but decided once there that he really wanted BFA training and so reapplied to colleges as a transfer student for the following year and was more successful the second time around. He now attends North Carolina School of the Arts, which is one of the top BFA in Acting programs in the country. There are differences between NCSA and UMiami. He could explain how he made his decision but he did like UMiami too. So, read his back posts and try emailing him since he may not see your post right away.</p>

<p>First off, you don’t need to speak Spanish to get a job in Miami. While many places say it is helpful, I’ve had a couple different jobs since being down here and it wasn’t a problem. There are also many work study jobs on campus that you can go through as well. Also, as far as crime goes, there are some sketchy areas in Miami in general, but in and around campus is pretty safe. I haven’t had any issues with my car being broken into or anything like that.
As far as the Acting program goes, I really like it. We actually have quite a few people from the Seattle area in the department.
I will say, they are very strict about having outside acting jobs while you are in school, so if you get a talent agent (which some have) don’t except to be able to accept many jobs during the school year.
I actually transfered here from a school in NYC and I really love it here. If you have any more specific questions I would be happy to answer them :-)</p>

<p>Hello early_college, I am a senior in high school and going to Unifieds to audition for Ball State, University of Miami, and Cornish. I wanted to know what decision you made on what school to pick and why? Im asking since im auditioning for a lot of the schools you did.</p>

<p>luigisbro, I don’t believe early_college has posted on CC since last summer. Not sure he will see your post.</p>

<p>If you click on his name, you can find posts on other threads by him that may provide some information. When you have enough posts to send PMs, you might try PMing him.</p>