BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

Sorry, I know EastchesterMom probably already knows this, but those looking for audition info probably need to know. Ricky Oliver is no longer with CAP21. I am not sure who is taking over recruiting/auditions. But that is probably why you have not received a response from him kimmyd. He will be missed dearly by the kids. But it sounds like he is moving on to good things, and we only wish good things for him. I know the incoming freshman already had a special bond with him as he was such a warm and calming presence during their auditions.
kimmyd - we applied to Molloy through the common App, which usually goes online Sept. 1st. And then set up our audition with CAP21 separately after that. I would recommend getting in early. Dont wait to long to start setting things up. It will be much less stressfull around your house that way. Molloy and CAP21 have rolling admission, so you will get info on acceptance very quickly after applying and auditioning.
FYI - we have been a part of this program for 3 days nowā€¦ LOLā€¦ but just from the information meetings with parents, this is THE place to be. I love the discipline, the expectations, the focus on the individual, and the staff are all from either some of the top notch universities in the nation ( Penn St. , Miami, etc ) or have tons of Broadway experience.
I am so so so excited to watch my little song bird spread her wings and learn to soar.

@mtandsbdad - I did not know that Ricky left! Everybody thinks Iā€™m on the CAP21 payroll, but Iā€™m really not!

How annoyingā€¦I just typed up a big post and somehow lost it! I wanted to report that D and her pals have settled in to their fab Queens apartment. She reports that getting to CAP21 by subway is a breeze. The girls pile in to her car to drive to Molloy two days per week. They donā€™t go during rush hour, so thatā€™s easy too. They are all taking a class on Saturdays called the Gotham Experience. Itā€™s all about NYC culture, and D reports that it is THE class to take at Molloy. The CAPpers apparently got first dibs! Despite the Saturday bit, D is really excited about it. Keep this class in mind, friendsā€¦it is part of Molloyā€™s required Core.

Thanks for the update!! Getting application processed and D is working on her Essay to mail in with application fee

Does anyone know where Ricky Oliver went? Is he with another school now?

Iā€™m still a little confused about the CAP21/Molloy application process. The FAQ video states that you must first submit a Molloy college application, and then CAP21will contact you for an audition. How soon will this be? Do they pre-screen at all? If not, can the audition be done by video since we are in SC?

My D sent the application in on August 24. She has emailed Molloy college three times since then asking for some verification, but has yet to receive any reply.

@HighNotes ā€“ You will absolutely be contacted by CAP21 about an audition slotā€¦itā€™s early in the process; give them a chance! Molloy/CAP21 did not pre-screen for the Class of 2018; I donā€™t think they do it now, either. You can audition at Unifieds if you donā€™t want to audition on campus. Re auditioning by videoā€¦once youā€™re contacted about a slot you can ask, but I donā€™t know of anyone who auditioned that way for this program. If youā€™re going down the hellish road of audition season, youā€™re going to have to get used to traveling. My D auditioned almost every weekend from November to March.

Folks, I will know who Rickyā€™s replacement is soon!

Thanks @EastchesterMom! Youā€™ve put my mind at ease. I realize itā€™s early, but was hoping for some sort of reply from Molloy college (other colleges she has contacted have replied very quickly). Would like to get audition date on the calendars as soon as she can.

@HighNotes ā€“ my one and only criticism of Molloy College is that they still think theyā€™re a commuter school ā€“ even now, when theyā€™re in the process of admitting their fourth BFA class, and when they have a world-class nursing program. Donā€™t be shocked if youā€™re met with surprise when you ask questions that a non-local student would askā€¦they sometimes just donā€™t get it. Itā€™s better now than it was for Class One, when Molloy really had no clue what was about to descend on it! Now they know very well ā€“ the BFAs are celebrities on campus.

@HighNotes we got an acceptance letter to Molloy about 3 weeks after submitting common App. It states in the letter you must contact CAP21 and set up your audition. We know of some kids in the Freshman class this year that actually auditioned, and then applied to Molloy, but CAP can not make a decision until you have been accepted into Molloy first. The websites are kind of confusing, its probably best to just call. I doubt they have the new audition schedule up on the website yet. CAP does a little traveling for auditions also. My D wanted to audition on campus, but I know they were in Dallas, and Nebraska for auditions also.

@EastchesterMom so does your D have a vehicle in NY now? I was wondering how that works living off campus if you donā€™t have a vehicle. I am not ready to turn my little bitty town girl who has never driven on an interstate in Texas a vehicle in NY. LOL

@mtandsbdad - Yes, she has a car. She had it last year when she was living on campus, too. {NOTE; freshman who live on campus cannot have carsā€¦Molloy rule; they wonā€™t give you a parking sticker} It made life a lot easier for us, and I was more comfortable having her drive around Rockville Centre for a year before she moved to NYC. Living in Queens as she now does, sheā€™s a much better parallel parker than I am! Two of the four apartment-mates do not have cars; D and the fourth roomie take turns driving the whole gang to campus on Molloy days. They live close to a subway line, and can easily get to Molloy via subway and Long Island Railroad if they chose. The Molloy shuttle picks them up from the train station. Most of the juniors do not have cars; they all live in NYC now and they manage just fine. The trick is to get an apartment near a subway line.

Thanks @mtandsbdad! Was that this year or last year (and congrats!)? My D also wants to audition on campus.

@kimmyd I came across the audition dates are now on the Cap21 website for this yearā€¦ Thought they would help you out. @HighNotes this was this past year. My D is a freshman this year. And she is wore tuckered outā€¦ LOLā€¦ but she loves it. No homesickness here.

Thanks @mtandsbdad Iā€™ll take a look! Iā€™ve been distracted on college stuff with the birth of my first grandchild

@HighNotes , @kimmyd and everyone else who is about to embark on the MT audition journey ā€“ break legs!!

Hey Everyone! Ricky Oliver here, and Iā€™m BACK IN BUSINESS.

I wanted to take this time to announce to this forum that Iā€™ve recently taken a new position at Molloy College, and will now be their Theatre Arts Recruitment Coordinator. Now, I can focus solely on the recruitment, admittance, and stewardship of those prospective Molloy College/CAP21 BFA students.


This is an exciting opportunity for me because this allows me to be apart of the Molloy community, while remaining close to the CAP21 Family that I started in. These prestigious institutions are going strong and working ā€œin concertā€ to bring the best Musical Theatre Conservatory Training we can to your young artists, and Iā€™m STILL your Go-To Guy.

So, come at me.

If you have questions about the Molloy/CAP21 application/audition process, please feel free to reach out to me directly at Iā€™m happy to chat over anything you guys need clarified.

To those of you who have kids already here at Molloy, thank YOU for being such powerful voices in this forum. To those of you who have interested young artists at home, I look forward to starting the conversation with you soon!

Letā€™s Begin!

With Great Admiration,

Ricky Oliver

@MolloyBFA Hi Ricky! This is GREAT News! My Daughter and I hope to meet you!

@MolloyBFA ā€“ Hey Ricky! Welcome back, although you never really left. You have been my savior on this thread! Canā€™t believe I started it two years ago, and my D is now a JUNIOR! You have guided three Molloy BFA classes to glory, and now itā€™s Class Fourā€™s turn. They (and we) are SO lucky to have you!!

@kimmyd I hope I get to meet you and your daughter soon!
@EastchesterMom You are simply the best! Where would we all be without your diligent posts??? Thank you so much for being an advocate for everyone on here. Sending your kid to college is tough! But, you are always so positive and clear on here about your Dā€™s Molloy experiences! It really helps! Thank You Thank THANK YOU!!!