BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

We are looking at Malloy for next year, as my daughter is a junior… so looks like I am going to be on a roller coaster this year!! LOL I was curious how generous Malloy is with their Merit Scholarships? Like does it actually make a dent? LOL So many things to consider and think about!

My D is graduating #3 in her class. ( # 1 just got into Yale, Harvard, Columbia, and Rice - so no way to keep up with that… LOL ) With a 4.35 GPA. A distinguished graduate in Texas ( Top level classes ) Already has 12 hrs College credit ( 2 US histories and 2 Govt) ( Has a 4.0 College GPA ) and depending on how her 3 AP test go may have another 3 classes ( English Lit, English Comp, and Calc ) taken care of when she shows up on campus. Not outstanding test scores but good ones. We are a middle class family as both me and my wife are educators in a small Texas town that pays minimum salary. Have a son in College at Claremont McKenna College - which is a very pricey private school in California. Really thought our FA packet and scholarships would be a lot more. Was very disappointed when we got it. Basically between Scholarships, Grants, and Work Study the FA will take care of about 1/3 of her total cost per year. The rest will have to be taken out in student and parent plus loans. Which is around 30-35 thousand a year. It’s crazy. We have committed and will just run up a lot of debt the next 4 years, but we have always told her to follow her dreams, don’t make backup plans - for those are lack of confidence in your original plan - and we are not about to go back on that because of something like money. We will find a way. BUT… back to my original thought - I really expected more from scholarships and grants than what Molloy offered.
That being said, every BFA program she got accepted to, wasn’t a lot different. Don’t think BOSCO offers much either.
HA HA - her biggest offers came from schools that rejected her BFA but wanted her as a student.

@EastchesterMom how available is performing at Molloy the kids freshman year. I thought I read, that the CAP freshman can audition for Molloy stuff since they can not for Cap till Soph year. Is the Molloy program open to these kids and give them the same shot at things as their normal Performing arts kids?

@mtandsbdad - call the FA office and pleas your case; you may be able to squeeze more $$$ out of them. Re performing opportunities for freshmen- MPAC (Molloy Performing Arts Club) is open to all. My D was in Legally Blond as a freshman. It’s a great group; some pretty talented non-BFAs are in it! Molloy has a highly regarded Music Therapy major, so the campus rocks!

News flash: Class One is signing up for next semester and just found out that an additional Project has been added to the junior year CAP21 curriculum. Great as that is training-wise, my D’s minor in Psychology is in serious jeopardy. They did say that it was very difficult, and they meant it.

@EastchesterMom How about the work study opportunities. My D is worried with all the time spent doing the BFA she wont have time to do her work study. I keep telling her, they will find time for her to work the days she is on campus I’m sure. LOL… SHe thinks work study means 40 hrs per week… Ughhh kids…

BTW - my D is super excited for Sept. to get here and get started. She is more excited about being surrounded by people that share her passion, and she can discuss things with and people understand what she is saying.

@mtandsbdad - Plenty of Class Ones have work-study and they do just fine. One of the most talented in the class not only has work study, but a job in a retail store, too. It’s all about time management, which is an unwritten part of every college curriculum. If your D can snare work study at the Madison Theater, she will be golden indeed. And no, it’s not 40 hours per week!

You previously posted: " her biggest offers came from schools that rejected her BFA but wanted her as a student." Ain’t it the truth…and it’s a nasty little business! When my D was going through the admissions process, two schools offered her huge scholarships, a computer, etc…but no spot in the BFA class. It was tempting, no question! She nearly took one of the offers until the Molloy/CAP21 acceptance arrived, or, as I like to say, Fate came a-callin" !

Paid my D’s deposit today. Thanks for all the information @EastchesterMom. One of the points that sold my daughter was the additional project for Juniors that you mention above. We were there for accepted student day on Saturday and she was very excited to hear how they are broadening certain aspects of the program now that they are a few years in. She also told me they are going to start “bigs” for the freshman. The whole big brother/sister arrangement is great. Another mom and I were talking about how people don’t seem to get what is going on with Molly/CAP21. They go on and on about NYU graduates but seem to forget to make the connection that most of the NYU MT folk out there that we know of were trained by CAP21. I don’t see the difference whether CAP21 is associated with NYU or Molloy. Yes I get the “prestige” of NYU but I just don’t see how anyone casting down the road is really looking at where you received your BFA or if you rec’d one at all. They are looking at your talent, how well you are trained. Its the training and the talent in the end in this business that makes you stand out. I know my daughter will get that training at CAP21. She’s very excited and has met a great group of kids from the Class of 2020. @Eastchestermom I was wondering what your daughter has done over the summer. Did she do summer stock last summer?

@EastchesterMom What is the new project for juniors?

@myhopes&dreams4u and @kgg1997 - The Projects are “Creative Ensemble,” the other is “Song and Dance.” Class One really are the guinea pigs here; they are paving the way for the rest of you. Agreed re the NYU connection; I’ve been on my soapbox about that from the beginning. Shortly after Class One hit campus in 2014, there was an article in The New York Times about the program. Some veteran CC people were sour grapes about it and dismissed it as a “puff piece.” That’s when Mama Bear here roared to life and pointed out that the program may be new, but the training is not. That shut them up, and I have been a cheerleader for this program ever since. The training is the same, folks…CAP21 has a long track record of success in this business; who cares about the rest? The price is also not nearly as ridiculous as NYU’s either. I should know…I put my older, non-MT D through NYU.

BTW, they already have “Bigs” for the Class of 2019…my D is a Big now. It’s great for the kids; they love it.

My D didn’t audition for summer stock. She worked at a day camp last summer. The money was great! You will find out that summer stock is crazy competitive, especially for girls. One of the big players, who I shall not name, had 150 audition slots for girls. Over 900 applied. The selection for the slots was totally arbitrary. Get used to it.

Another Texan here (Dallas)! My D is super excited to attend Cap21/Molloy College and is anxious to get started. We would love to connect with fellowTexans!

@altshuler5 Hi! I’m from Texas too! (about 2 hours south of Houston) Has your daughter joined our FB group yet? I’ll PM you just in case she hasn’t! :slight_smile: This makes like the 6th or so one of us in the Class of 2020!

I’m loving this…there’s a lot of talent in Texas! They’ll have to add the two-step to the dance curriculum!

@EastchesterMom Thanks to your cheerleading, D and I attended open house yesterday and as a result she will be applying next year. She is a little concerned about the dance training-if it will be enough for her. Of course, she raised this concern on the ride home and not while we were still there-lol. She has had some sort of dance class each year from the age of 4, but just as an extra curricular-not competive in any way. I was wondering how your D is finding the dance training so far?
Thank you again for sharing/advising -you(& many others on CC) are really appreciated by those of us just beginning this crazy journey

@Jjrmom8 - I don’t know your D’s dance skill level, but CAP21 will assess everybody in the class in September (at least that’s when they did it for Class One). My D is in the advanced classes and finds them very challenging…all of them!

Dear Ricky,

Is there a regional audition tour this year? My daughter is a senior in Florida and is interested in the Molloy/Cap21 BFA program. Trying to decide if we travel to NY or do we have another option?

Thank you in advance,


@kimmyd -while I can’t answer for Ricky, I’m sure Molloy-CAP21 is making the rounds and participating in Unifieds. Might I suggest a local audition anyway-- seeing is believing!

Thanks @EastchesterMom - I have learned so much through this thread of posts! We probably will audition locally! We tried to apply online to Molloy, but I guess it is too early to, the only option was for fall 2016. This college application stuff is all so new to us! If my D applies in person is it still recommended to submit all their materials to the acceptd site? I’m thinking some schools require that submissions go through acceptd?

The audition is separate from the college application process. Those kind of questions are definitely for Ricky Oliver!