BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@MolloyBFA Thank You Ricky for the new information! Can you please confirm that you received my change of audition date request? I would normally never ask you to change it from what we had, but Torie was cast as Ivy Smith in On The Town at our community theatre and they requested we change the date due to a possible added show date! If possible, can we keep the 1st audition date of February 18th until we know for sure they are adding that date as a show and pencil us in for March 11th and I’ll confirm with you as soon as I can!

Thank You

@EastchesterMom and @mtandsbdad What type of computers did your students take to Molloy? Is it their preference? My daughter likes Macs!

@kimmyd – she has a Mac.

@kimmyd - Mine has a Mac also

Time for an update on the doings of Class One, now that the semester is (almost) over. The cohort followed up its huge success with “Camp Eaglewood” in October with the Song and Dance Project last weekend, in which singing and dancing skills were combined – spectacular! Henry Fonte told the audience that this is not easy to do, and the effort and work the kids put out on the stage was more than in many Broadway musicals. No rest for the weary…after the last show at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, the kids had to prepare for finals, papers and demos this week. My D and the cohort really deserve this winter break! I was glad to see that so many members of the freshman and sophomore classes came to see the show; these kids really stick together.

UPDATE: my D landed a summer acting job! She auditioned over the break, got a callback, and was cast in a leading role! D says that her training gave her the confidence she didn’t have before to get out there and give it all she’s got in an audition. The pay isn’t great, but who cares…she’s on her way!


Congrats to her @EastchesterMom Outside of the pay not being great, things like this should enhance her education so much more.

@EastchesterMom will this be her first summer to work? Or has she been able to find work each summer?

Which summer stock did she get into and what character will she be playing?

@mtandsbdad and @kimmyd – this is D’s first summer with an acting job. After freshman year, she went back to her old summer job of camp counselor (great money!). Last year, she worked at the Madison Theater. I don’t want to say any more about the acting job until she actually signs a contract.

Another update on D and her cohort: the spring semester is going great…the cohort is in rehearsal for their Pop Rock Project opening on April 8. D says it’s their best show yet, and this one is going to be performed at the CAP 21 studios in NYC. As soon as she’s done with that, it’s time to start rehearsing for a show she was cast in at the Madison Theatre – a tribute to Broadway composer Harold Arlen. That one is April 23. Then on April 29, she’s doing a Disney Princess show for little girls at the Madison Theatre…she’s Elsa from Frozen. And then, my friends, it’s time for demos and finals. Before you know it, Class One will be SENIORS!

@EastchesterMom If you aren’t on Molloy/CAP21’s advertising or recruitment staff – you should be! Or at the very least, your D should get some kind of tuition reduction for all the positive press you put out there!!

Congratulations to her! Glad she is doing so well so early in her career!

@daughtersdreams : I’m not on staff, nor does my D get any perk of any kind for my comments on this or any other thread. That’s how you know that my comments are genuine and true. I started this thread and comment on other threads because I believe this program is among the finest MT training programs anywhere, and I want to do my little bit to help it succeed. Not that I have to worry about that anymore, if I ever did! Molloy/CAP 21 hit it out of the park right away; admission is extremely competitive.

Is everything roses and sunlight for my D all the time? Of course not; there have been bumps in the road. – but without question she knows that her training is first-rate, she has grown as an artist, she is making connections and getting experience in the theatre world, and she is having a wonderful college experience so far (and let’s face it, we’re pretty far along now!). Who could ask for anything more?

@EastchesterMom What would you suggest, Ricky allowed my D to submit her audition through video due to a show conflict, which we emailed 1/29/17. I have not heard from him to confirm that he received it yet, would you call to confirm or wait? I know he’s been super busy with auditions! I’m not expecting any kind of results, just want to make sure the email didn’t get lost in email world!

@EastchesterMom I do know you’re not connected to the college – that’s what makes your posts so helpful. You offer an honest perspective that shows the program is really working! And I’ve no doubt your daughter has done her part too – working very hard with the opportunities presented to her-- to become as successful as she has thus far!

@kimmyd - by all means, email or call RIcky asap…yes, he’s in the midst of audition season, but you must be frantic by now.

@kimmyd I would encourage you to email Ricky. He is very polite and understanding of them. I bet I sent in a ton of questions when we were looking for a school, and about auditions. He usually responded quickly. And positively.

@mtandsbdad @EastchesterMom I’ve emailed multiple times simply asking to confirm that he received the video audition and I left him a voicemail on Friday. Have not heard as of yet. Ricky has been very sweet, this is driving me crazy though! Is the email I’m sending to.