BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@MolloyBFA Hi Ricky, Just wanting to confirm with you that you received my daughter’s email with her video audition, 1/29/17. Warm Regards, Kim D’Alessandro

I understand here is one more round of auditions this weekend, and then it’s decision time …fingers and toes crossed for all of you! I look forward to welcoming you to the Class of 2021!

Anyone heard what size class they are shooting for this year?

@freddieggirl - no clue; sorry!

We were told they were presently going with 32 at this time. We visited about 2 weeks ago and were told 2 classes of 16.

My D received an email with her acceptance today!

@Meanasmom - Congratulations, and welcome to the Molloy CAP 21 family!!! Sure hope she accepts!


@Meanasmom - So you received an email? That’s great and congratulations! I guess it’s not going to be good news for my D – She emailed the Admissions office to inquire about her admissions status since we haven’t heard an academic decision or any financial information - nothing from them at all has come via email or regular mail.

Anyway, I guess they forwarded it to Ricky because HE emailed us back saying “I just looked into your status and everything is up-to-date. You’ll receive the academic and the artistic decision in one Official Letter.”

Don’t have a good feeling about this. [-(

@daughtersdreams - keep the faith, honey- it ain’t over til the fat lady sings, dances and acts!

Hang in there @daughtersdreams!

We received everything by mail… Being in Texas it seems to take 2 weeks for mail to get to us. Dont give up yet, until you hear something concrete. Our experience last year - Declines came early… Acceptances took longer to get.

@EastchesterMom If I thought it would hurry this process, I’d be standing on my chair and belting a song right now! :))

LOL, @daughtersdreams ! I sure hope your D gets in; would love to meet you in person!

My daughter has not received an academic admission, just the email from Ricky saying she was accepted to the BFA program. She did a walk-in audition at Chicago Unifieds and then got an email asking her to apply. I’m hoping you get an acceptance and a great big scholarship all in one neat package!!

That can happen with walk-ons.

@EastchesterMom This Year seems to be going differently then years past! My D has had ALL the requirements in since 10/25/16 and still no info on even academic acceptance! We had Show conflicts and a family emergency and could not make audition dates, Ricky was so gracious to accept an online submission, which we did 1/29/17, but we know nothing still!

@kimmyd , I don’t know what to say…have you called Molloy Admissions about the academic acceptance?

Yes, and have spoken with Ricky saying that the pile on his desk would not allow academic acceptance until after the audition! My D has an offer with scholarships on the table and I keep insisting that she wait until we have Molloy’s decision, but this is extremely frustrating! I feel like we should have at least known academically by now.

@kimmyd My D is in the same boat, but there’s no rush to make a decision this early unless the one on the table is her top choice – then go for it. Ricky is doing his best to get all offers out by the first of April. And most other programs do too. So hang tight!