BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@waitingforlife I knew about that fee and had added it into my estimates. The increase is purely in Molloy’s tuition & fees (not including CAP21) If you look at their website you can see that last year’s costs of tuition and fees equal $28,485. Add in $6,000 CAP21 and you’re at $34,485 - plus rm & brd for a total cost of $48,185. This year the full cost of attendance is $57,695.

I can’t find a break down of this year’s costs and it’s not on the letter I received and there is nothing that says CAP21 or Performing Arts fee. So I am assuming that the $57,695 includes that - but for all I know it is a separate billing.

Either way, we can’t swing that price. And we’d have to add to that the cost of transportation to & from CAP21 and purchasing meals in the city as well. If my D had applied last year as a first-time, then scholarships would have made it doable.

@daughtersdreams - I’m sorry to hear it. It’s true that tuition and fees for 2017-2018 are $36,758, inclusive of the CAP 21 fee. You are right that the scholarships make it doable – and that transfers often aren’t eligible for those. That being said - call the Financial Aid office and plead your case! If you don’t ask, you don’t get. If not, BAL to your D next year!

@EastchesterMom I didn’t mean to sound so critical. Molloy offers fantastic training and opportunities and of course the cost pays for the NYC studio location and industry connections that provides. It’s not really any more expensive than other NYC-based programs.

Thank you for the suggestion of asking the college for additional help. But as you’ve pointed out, they don’t offer talent scholarships. I’ve spoken with financial aid and she is already getting the highest transfer scholarship ($5,000) and a matching Molloy Grant and the possibility of $2500 in federal work study if positions are available. The rest, would come out of pocket and loans.

I’m just feeling pretty discouraged right now that my D’s options are so limited because of her transfer status when she’s such a hard working, smart,and deserving young lady. I blame myself for not advising her well last year when she depended on me for guidance. She wouldn’t be in this position if I had known how all of this works.

Sorry for being so gloomy here. She has some other options where she has appealed for additional awards but we may not hear before the deadline. As May 1st approaches I’m worried that none of the programs will be within her reach financially. So I have to decide if I let her commit to a school when the money hasn’t been worked out yet.

@daughtersdreams - there are members of Class One who are literally working their way through school…their parents either can’t or won’t help them. They are working in retail stores and restaurants (an actor waiting tables- whoever heard of that?) And they are getting it done. So will your D. She wants it that bad. Make it happen.

This is a tough position to be in @daughtersdreams. We had no idea the transfer funds would be that limited as well. At one school my D was accepted to she has been offered $10k less than a new high school freshman despite a semester of rock solid college grades.

There is a lot of talk on the LIU thread about the effect the free tuition program in NY will have on private colleges. @EastchesterMom - any thoughts on whether it will have any on Molloy/CAP 21? Or are they stronger financially so not as much concern?

Oh she will definitely be working her way through college. @EastchesterMom She just took a job at Red Robin to gain waitressing experience so she has a better chance of getting hired in NY. LOL!
We’re considering doing a larger loan the first year with the hope that outside jobs, internships, work-study, scholarships for upperclassmen, will cover future years. I prefer to have things all planned out, but will have to just take it one year at a time.
Thanks for your support EastchesterMom!

Yeah, I need to call financial aid Monday to get clarification; I think the offices must have been closed Thursday/Friday for the holiday. I’m not rectifying the $57k total cost with the line items: 36k for tuition and fees (including studio fee), plus 12k for room and meals, is still 9k shy of the 57k stated… hoping it’s for “estimated living expenses” or some such.


Tuition & fees: $36,758 – I don’t know if CAP21 fee is built into this or if they just raised overall tuition.
Room & Meals: $13,895
Books & supplies: $1,470
Transportation: $1,800 – Remember they have to ride train 2 or 3 times a week for classes.
Other educational costs: $3,998 - Not sure. May include CAP fees or private voice, performance or costume fees;

TOTAL: $57,921

@CentralOHmomof4 & @daughtersdreams - when I called them about the tuition they said the $36,758 included the $6000 for CAP21. Also I think they are closed until Wednesday for Easter and a Founders’ Day. We are visiting campus on Wednesday.

@daughtersdreams , and all the faithful-- yes, Molloy is closed until Wednesday. Let me give you a hint re the railroad tix - freshmen go 2 days per week, sophomores go 3. Freshmen are assigned an upperclassman anyway, but I strongly suggest connecting with a sophomore to share the cost of a monthly ticket… a big savings! You people rock… I knew you would find a way!

There is no extra charge for private voice lessons, performance or costume fees.

@EastchesterMom thanks for all the encouragement - D is excited to visit and see for herself!!

@CentralOHmomof4 - just watch her face. You will know if she is “home” – and she will know it, too. On the other hand, if she’s not feeling it, you will know that as well. I will never, ever forget the look on my D’s face when she saw the Madison Theatre on Accepted Students day. She took one look and flew down the aisle toward the stage. I could see the wheels turning in her head – “yup, I want to be on that stage.” And she has been up there, and will be again this Sunday!

These are high end estimates. You more than likely wont spend $1500 on books… If you get on it quick enough, a lot of the gen ed books you can rent from Amazon. And you can find used books on Amazon for very cheap. The Supplies - outfits / shoes / etc… you may already have these in your possession. The $4000 other educational cost : that’s extra money they assume your going to spend - doing out of class stuff. Buying extra food, going into the city, going to see shows… etc. Its not actually a school fee. It is expensive, and their scholarship’s are not the greatest, but the experience and the opportunity well make up for it in our eyes.

@EastchesterMom Im so excited for next year and to hear your post on how things are going with showcases, company auditions, and agents… Ready to find out how class one transfers into the working field.

What you said, @mtandsbdad! If my D spent $500 on books for the whole year, it was a lot. This semester, it was zero.

We’re pretty excited for next year, too, @mtandsbdad – although “nervous” may better describe it. The competition is fierce out there – these kids need to develop skin like a rhino to handle the rejections. All these kids are talented, and all of them had the leads in their HS shows at least; many have even more extensive experience. As we all know, being survivors of it, is that the college admission/audition experience is bad enough on the ego. Summer stock auditions, and even auditions for Madison Theatre shows, give them a taste of how hard it is to become a working actor. I do know this: D has been taught well, and will be prepared – come what may.

@waitingforlife Thank you. It’s helpful to know that CAP21 fee is included. I am still greatly confused by the published price tag. Will have to do some more investigation on the breakdown of each cost.

On our campus tour, the young lady said that CAP21 students get a special meal plan because of the days they are in NY. @EastchesterMom - do you have any info on that? And I’m also wondering what you mean by sharing a ticket with an upperclassman – doesn’t each rider have to have their own ticket to ride the train?

And thanks @mtandsbdad for the insight on the books costs and that extra $4K for “other educatonal costs.” That sounds like it might be something that could be controlled with budgeting and planning.

@daughtersdreams under housing rates, this is what shows for cap21 meal plans:

Ruby Plan: Declining Balance D*
$1,095.00/semester $2,090.00/year

Emerald Plan: Declining Balance E*
$895.00/semester $1,790.00/year

*Freshmen must choose either the Gold or Silver plan
*Cap21 students can only choose the Ruby plan
*Cap21 students in NYC for 3 days a week can only choose the Emerald Plan