BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

I would never ever ever want to do audition season again… LOL what a stressful time in a parents life. So many disappointments, but acceptance into CAP made it all worth it. They saw something in my daughter that some others didn’t. Molloy/Cap21 was always her number 1, and Ricky saw the potential in her. She is so excited to perform this year ( Soph ) and I could honestly see a huge difference in her talent this summer in her show she was in. Looking forward to traveling up this weekend to watch her first Cap / Madison Theatre performance this weekend. @StageDad311 her class was around 45 or so and have lost about 10. Most of them were kids that either have decided this career wasn’t for them, or really didn’t understand the hard work it takes to be successful in this type of program. You are not a normal college student. It’s actually more than what an athlete at a D1 school goes through. But hopefully it will pay off when they graduate.

@mtandsbdad thanks for sharing your experiences, and congratulations on your D’s success! I hope she breaks a leg this weekend! It’s so much fun watching your kid doing what they love… Enjoy!

I just watched a short YouTube video from Ricky regarding what type of MT student CAP21 is looking for; he emphasized the rigor of the program and the passion and energy they look for that’s necessary for being successful. He seemed very personable and engaged, which is great! I’ve read a number of posts where kids have been cut from one program, but were picked up by another good program and found success. There’s a lot of subjectivity in this industry, and like you said, so many disappointments. Persistence is a trait all successful MT professionals will most certainly have. Kudos to you and your D for finding her place, where she’s obviously thriving.

It seems that the largest attrition is following the freshman year, which makes sense. I think losing 10 out of 45 is reasonable, especially if its the students’ choice. The intensity of a college program was a concern of mine, so it was very encouraging that my D loved her 3-week OCU high school MT program this past summer. They had class everyday except Sunday until 5 p.m., with show rehearsal every night until 9 or 10 p.m. Sunday afternoon they had show rehearsal, as well. She was fortunate enough to be cast as a lead, so she had a lot of lines to memorize during her few daily breaks. She had a blast and didn’t want to leave. I’d encourage OCU’s summer program for anyone serious about MT; the faculty and staff presented an intense, quality program, but with great compassion and support.

Thanks again for taking the time to share your CAP21 experiences! It’s high on my D’s list. Have a magical weekend!

@EastchesterMom, Glad to see this thread is still going strong and happy to see that it looks like you have someone to take it over once your D graduates :slight_smile: @CentralOHmomof4 .My D was accepted to Molloy this year, but financially had to choose a 2-year program that gave her a full talent scholarship. Now we are thinking ahead and am curious if you know if Molloy has accepted transfer students as Juniors for the Musical Theatre Program before? We will research it through the website as well as reaching out to Ricky, but thought I would start with you guys!

Warm Regards,


@kimmyd - no one transferred into Class One, so I have no anecdotal evidence. My D says that they accept transfers; however, your D may not transfer in as a junior. I would go directly to Molloy/CAP 21 on this one. BTW, I think Ricky may have left…contact Rebecca Overton.

@EastchesterMom Thanks! I will contact Rebecca :slight_smile:

@StageDad311 My D attended many summer camps - Started with Camp Broadway - The Next Step ( 1 Week) her Freshman Summer, then Texas Arts Project ( 4 Weeks) her Soph ( Great Camp - Was a great introduction to the whole process and the time demands ) , Then finished up with OCU her JR summer. The last two were audition camps and they helped prepare her to understand what the life of a BFA student is like, and she had no issues with it last year. The Soph year is much more rigorous with rehearsals and time demands and just plain old homework. But she is learning how to manage her time every day. The show was so good - those kids are super talented and to be able to perform in that atmosphere with 3-4 past and present Broadway stars just gives them the motivation to keep pushing.
@EastchesterMom I hope yours BAL in the upcoming Into the Woods production.

@mtandsbdad - thank you! The curtain goes up on Saturday and I am super-nervous; more so than any of D’s prior shows…rumor has it that Broadway bigwigs will be in the audience. Not sure if it’s true, but it sure kept the kids on their toes (literally, ha ha!). D’s role is very small; I hope she makes the most of it. Re: your D’s show…I take it she was in one of the Madison Theater shows? Isn’t it wonderful that our kids have that chance? Yes, sophomore year is a lot tougher. Just wait for junior year; D came crawling home half-dead in December, and the spring semester wasn’t much easier. You deserve fair warning!

Congratulations and “Bravo” to the sixteen members of the Class of 2020 who performed alongside Broadway veterans on October 22 in “Give My Regards to Broadway” at the Madison Theatre! As I’ve said before, nobody has it better than BFA sophomores living on campus – this great opportunity is literally in their backyard.

UPDATE on “Into the Woods”: the show was a smashing success! It was a very creative take on the familiar original show, and it used all of the technological advantages of the state-of-the-art Madison Theatre. There were a lot of hugs and more than a few tears shed yesterday after the last show! I am so proud of Class One and all they have accomplished! Now, a brief rest, and then on to preparing for Showcase and - gulp! - graduation!!

Thank you so much for explaining the Molloy/Cap 21 program! My D is a senior applying for a BFA in MT. We recently went to a local Performing Arts College Fair and met a woman from the program who had such great things to say about it that my D decided to apply!

One question I have is that we live in Florida, and their website says auditions may be submitted electronically. Has anyone been accepted this way?

Thank you and GL to all applicants!

We live in Florida as well. My daughter submitted her audition electronically and was accepted into the program. Unfortunately, we were not able to accept due to program costs with not enough FAFSA or Scholarship given :frowning:

@kimmyd , you beat me to it; I was thinking of your D’s journey last year. I hope she is happy where she landed!

@EastchesterMom Thank You for asking!! Yes, she is happy for now :slight_smile: She is only 2 hours from home, which is nice, but I wish she was having access to NYC and all the professionals Like Molloy gives!

@kimmyd, I’m so sorry to hear that!! We may be in a similar situation this year if my D does not get enough aid. The woman we met with said they offer a lot of aid, but your situation has me questioning that now. It’s heartbreaking when our kids are unable to go where they want to due to financial constraints.

Do you mind me asking where she ended up? Wherever it is, I hope she loves it!

@kimmyd, one more question if you don’t mind…do you remember when you heard from Molloy and how long it took from your application submission to getting the decision?

Thank you, and I’m glad to know your D is happy where she landed and hope she will get access to NYC the way she deserves!

@MTMOM17 I don’t mind you asking. It’s in the middle of nowhere but is a little hidden gem in my opinion. Florida School of the Arts at St Johns River State College. They gave her a Full Talent Scholarship. They call it FloArts, it’s a 2 year AS program and will be able to transfer into some BFA Programs! Have Not contacted Molloy yet about the possibility of transferring there yet.

@kimmyd, thank you! I just messaged you. I’ll look into your D’s program! I’d love to learn more about a hidden gem!!!

@kimmyd, and of course a Full Talent scholarship is AMAZING!!! Congrats to your D!!!

It took quite a long time! We submitted to Ricky Jan 29th and didn’t hear back till late March. We waited way past all other schools notifications. Ricky was soooo behind with all that kind of stuff last year :frowning: So I hope things have quieted
down with more of a process in place for this year! You owe it to yourself to submit to Molloy and see what happens! :slight_smile:

@MTMOM17 Will your D be attending the Florida Theater Conference in Gainesville this week? My D will be auditioning Friday for the professional SETC Conference in March, fingers crossed!

@kimmyd, no, sadly we won’t be there. I don’t know very much about it. I’m in Weston, about 6 to 7 hours south of Gainsville, and my D has school all week and rehearsal for a local production all weekend.

Please tell you D that another Florida mom tells her to BAL!!! And keep me posted!