BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@EastchesterMom I already got my tickets… LOL… Thanks

Thanks for sharing the 4-year schedule, @mtandsbdad !! For folks new to CAP21, one thing that does not really come across when you look at this: that little 3- or 4-credit hour class (Theatre Arts Studio (At CAP21)) includes ALL the conservatory classes held in Manhattan. So that one line item encompasses multiple individual classes such as dance, acting technique, voice, etc.

Just to add on to @CentralOHmomof4 and @mtandsbdad , I have a PDF of the 4 years of CAP21 classes, which I am sure is not 100% accurate as it is 3 years old and I know they have made changes. But just to give a good idea what the one Theatre Arts Studio at CAP21 class looks like, here is the breakdown listed for Fall semester Sophomore year:

1.5 hrs ballet - 2 x’s a week
2.5 hrs of Acting: Checkov/Williams - 2 x’s a week
2 hours of Vocal Performance I - 2 x’s a week
1.5 hrs. of Voice and Speech III - 2 x’s a week
1 hour of Private Voice

Yes. @CentralOHmomof4 that is 3-4 hrs college credit for about 12-20 hours per week of actual classroom time. You are correct.

Experienced Molloy moms, if you plan to live off campus for next school year, when do you start looking for an apartment? (housing deposit is due Feb 1 which seems early to look for an apartment). Do you recommend using an agent/broker? Have you been able to get 9 month leases or have your students done 12 month leases? Anything else that you think would be valuable to know?

@speezagmom - I don’t think you will be able to start looking until July or even August. We had been looking on a couple of websites earlier than that but they didn’t even want to make appointments with us until a few days before we were going to be there. My D’s roommates were actually the ones that did the touring and sent videos back to us as we were all involved making the decision. They went about the last week of July. We were able to get the landlord to agree to a lease start date of August 15, some wanted August 1. If you didn’t want to start the lease until Sept 1, you would probably have to start looking later. If they are a decent place and a reasonable rent, they don’t want to commit to you for say a Sept 1 date and loose a month of rent because they can take the next person instead. We actually did miss out on one place because we didn’t put a deposit down right away and when we contacted them later in the day, it was gone. I also don’t think you will be able to get anything other than a 12 month lease. We started out not using a broker but ended up going with one. Although it was a fairly low fee compared to some of them. If you aren’t familiar with all the neighborhoods and have a limited time to find a place, they can be very helpful. We ended up in the Ridgewood area but I think there are CAP kids all over Queens and Brooklyn.

@speezagmom - I agree that apartment-hunting is a last-minute thing. D and her pals took a place June 1. Two stayed for the summer and worked; two went home and sublet. They stayed two years. Then they had 4 CAP rising seniors take the place…real easy! So that’s my suggestion… ask some seniors if you can take their place next. BTW, D’s place was in Ridgewood. She used Nooklyn, They were great to work with.

@speezagmom Ours used Nooklyn also. Lives in Ridgewood. Seems to be the popular place for the CAP kids. But they are also spread throughout Brooklyn and Queens.

Thanks everyone! Is there easy public transport to Molloy from the Ridgewood area? I’m don’t think we’ll have a car out there. As I had looked around online, I thought Forest hills and Woodside were good possibilities for transportation, but the apartments posted seem to be more expensive too.

@speezagmom - yes, but it’s going to take a while to get back and forth. Get a place on a subway line that goes to the LIRR station in Jamaica, there you can pick up the train to RVC. A car is definitely faster and easier, but finding parking is VERY difficult in Ridgewood; in fact, it’s difficult anywhere in NYC.

@speezagmom Will be pretty time consuming. Because you have to take the subway to a train station, then take the train back to RVC. And parking in Ridgewood is tough, because you constantly need to move your car from one side of the road to the other due to street cleanings. It basically takes away one side of the street. My D does not have her car there, and just rides with others. It is about a 15 min walk to the subway station from where my D lives.

@speezagmom - It works well if one of them in the apartment has a car and they some how are compensated for driving the rest of the back and forth to Molloy. For my D and her 2 roommates, the one that has the car pays less rent than the other 2.

LOL, my D was the one with the car! She became an expert at finding parking spots on the street and at shoehorning her car into the tiniest spaces imaginable. It was a valuable part of her college education! She of course drove her roomies back and forth; the “compensation” was that she had the largest room in the apartment.

Hello! Just thought I would pass along that Molloy/CAP21 has made some nice updates to their website! I remember last year finding it very difficult to learn about their program from their website and I had to rely on you awesome people to learn about all they had to offer. Glad to see a lot of this information now included on their website :slight_smile: It’s especially nice to look at the faculty profiles and alumni updates :slight_smile:

Yes @JavaJo we have to remember, this is still a relatively new program. Even though CAP21 has been around for a long time, the 4 year BFA is still in development. They are constantly tinkering with the curriculum to make it the best it can be. It will take time, but eventually, this will be one of the biggest and best programs in the nation. IMO

@mtandsbdad @JavaJo - it already is one of the best programs in the nation…the NYC-based training gives our kids a jump on the audition competition. Class One is booking right and left; there is one off-Broadway, a couple on national tours, one cruise ship, and many doing regional theater…and that’s just the kids I know, only 7 months post-graduation. Can’t wait to see what your kiddos do in the real world!

@EastchesterMom The communication and information sharing is the one thing that I wish the school did better. I think they’re missing a huge opportunity by not posting all these bookings on a facebook and instagram page. If you look at other programs like BW seem to post a congratulations post for every major booking their students get.

They will get there… it just takes some time… Like I said, still working out some kinks… @speezagmom

@speezagmom - you made a great suggestion- I think you should talk to Henry Fonte about it. I certainly intend to do so.

Thank you to all who have posted schedules at CAP 21. I found this to be very helpful. I have a question regarding the dance classes. Are the classes leveled based on ability?