BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

Oops. never mind - I see that EastchesterMom answered that question on the first page of this thread!

And the opportunities to perform and make connections continue for the Molloy/CAP 21 BFAs! My D and her cohort will perform in a concert featuring the work of Henry Mancini at the Madison Theater on campusā€¦alongside Broadway veterans! This is the third such opportunity for the kids this academic year. Her days are long and the rehearsals hard, but sheā€™s loving it! To all those who are auditioning on campus on February 17 and 18ā€¦BAL!!!

Congratulations to your D! Thatā€™s fabulous!

My daughter has will be attending CAP21 in the fall. She is trying to decide if the BFA or 2 year program is better for her. Being from TX, I am worried that two campuses will be too much for her. Is there any way to ask to be roomates with another CAP21 student? She likes the idea of living outside the city. I just donā€™t want her to be overwhelmed by the workload. Any comments or advice are greatly appreciated.

@pikchick ā€“ My Dā€™s roomie is from TX, too, and she is a BFA. The BFAs are all assigned another BFA as a roommate, but Iā€™m sure you could call Residential Life at Molloy to ensure it. The kids handle the trip to NYC very well (I wouldnā€™t call the CAP 21 facilities a campusā€¦itā€™s all in one building). Truly, they get used to it very quickly and it isnā€™t an issue at all. They use the train time to sleep, do homework, gossip, scarf breakfastā€¦whatever! And whatever they do, they do together. These kids are tight. Iā€™m so happy with the friends my D has made in this program.

Have watched a few Molloy kids this first year and they seemed to have amazing experiences. This looks to be an exciting program.

Me too, @Bendigo68ā€Œ . Itā€™s been fun to observe this year.

pikchick, has your D applied to the program at Molloy or just to Cap21?

Both, but I just found out that Molloy requires homeschooled students to take a GED for their applications to be considered. In Texas, you either have to get a local high school to fill out a form stating that you have never attended there, or be 18 to take the GED. Since DD will be 18 next week, I guess she will take it then. Both she and my husband are leaning towards full-time conservatory for now. But, I want her in a dorm!!! Been watching too many SVUā€™s!

I can understand your concern. Having to find housing for an 18 year old in NYC is not something that I would recommend. My D was a very mature 18 year old who was familiar with Manhattan, and who grew up in a large city, and I think that it was even good for her to be in a dorm situation at that age.

I think she is done jumping through college hoops. Ricky said the CAP21 students sometimes room together close to the college. I posted re that on another thread. We will visit NY when her present show closes and go from there.

@pikchick ā€“ if youā€™re coming to NY, do yourself a favor and visit the Molloy campus, too. It will help you decide. For us it was a no-brainer ā€“ my D wanted a college degree.

The main reason I would want her at Molloy is safety and to make friends of the same age with similar interests. I think our visit will definitely help with our final decision.

We parents were told both training programs are the sameā€¦the only difference is one takes two years and the other takes four because of the non-MT college classes. Howeverā€¦the BFAs do take some of their theater-based classes (voice and music lessons, for example) on the Molloy campus. When you see the Madison Theatre, your D will be hookedā€¦mine was!

I know of two acceptances so far for the Class of 2019ā€¦@MTMomma2019 and @MarinasMeem ā€¦ any questions? Feel free to IM me.

OK, Can anyone give a detailed report on Cap 21ā€™s collaborative BFA theater arts program with Molloy for this yearā€™s inaugural class? We are weighing several school offers and Cap 21 is one of them. We are looking for boys to girls ratio, opinions of vocal, acting, dance training compared to other programs that you have seen, performance opportunities, etc. We are only interested in information regarding the 4 year BFA program, not the 2 year one. BTW, I have a D.

@eastchesterMom should be able to help you out :slight_smile:

@TxMom63 ā€¦ There are 5 boys; i believe the cohort is 24. I really canā€™t answer for any other programs, but Iā€™m very pleased with the training my D is getting. Iā€™m impressed with the faculty; they really care about the kids. My D is a powerful singer, and I can see that sheā€™s even better now. Dance was not her strong suit, but I see a big improvement there! Her confidence, which was torn to bits by the audition process, is coming back. I discussed the performance opportunities D had earlier on this thread. They were an unexpected and happy surprise. Iā€™m sure that Ricky Oliver at CAP 21 will be happy to answer any questions about the program; heā€™s a great guy and super-knowledgeable!

My D just committed to the program. She was accepted to a few others but we live a half hour from Molloy and several other family members graduated from Molloy and had great and successful experiences. We attended their open house this weekend and found that one group of 24 is already committed and an additional cohort has six already on board.

To our dismay, we were told that the Fine and Performing Arts Scholarship that Molloy offers other majors is not available to the MT group. The additional $6K CAP21 fee brings the MT program costs to over $32K per year for a commuter. Molloy has been a very generous school to us in the past and their FA office is very accessible, but this is a huge bill for us and we question whether a BFA degree is worth that investment.

If thereā€™s anything I can offer about my previous Molloy experiences or anything about the community or travel that you are looking to know, I may be able to help. And yes, the CAP21 folks have been wonderful, as I think youā€™ll find most of Molloyā€™s people are as well.

@Remainderman ā€“ welcome! I didnā€™t even know that Molloy had a Fine and Performing Arts Scholarship; seems pretty ridiculous not to offer it to the performing arts majors! My D got a hefty academic scholarship that brought the price down a lot; as you point out, the FA office is very accommodating. Is a BFA degree ā€œworth the investment?ā€ You bet it is; wait til you see your D performing on that gorgeous stage and youā€™ll know how worth it it is. One other piece of adviceā€¦as cost-effective as it may be to be a commuter, your D will miss out on a lot if she doesnā€™t dorm. Almost all of her cohort will be from way out of town and they all live on campus. If she absolutely must commute, I suggest you be prepared to open your house to her gaggle of friends next year. The two who commuted this year found that out in a hurry!