BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

Oops, missed one - congratulations on the waitlist @MTSongbirdMom !! :slight_smile:

Number questions: how many students are in each cohort? Iā€™m also curious about their acceptance rates into the MT program, and their recent attrition rates if anyone has any idea. The acceptance rate is just curiosity, but attrition and cohort size say something about the program sometimes.

@tatteredandfriendly I am interested in the same information.

Iā€™m not the best one to answer this, since my D is done and gone, but Iā€™ll give it a shot. I believe they are looking for 34 this year. This does not mean that all 34 are together all day for every class. The kids will be placed in dance classes according to ability. Take a look at the program syllabus on the website to get the idea. Re attrition- kids drop out of these programs for a variety of reasons ā€¦ financial, realizing itā€™s not for them, etc. Class 1 started with 24, if I remember correctly. Eighteen graduated. One left for financial reasons, 3 were asked to leave, one left to pursue a music career, 1 didnā€™t complete his gen eds ( he didnā€™t care, and booked work quickly), 1 left to go home to her boyfriend. Re the 3 that were asked to leave: 2 of these were extremely talented, but didnā€™t want to put in the hard work this major requires. Both graduated from Molloy with different majors, and one I know for sure is booking work anyway. I have been told that the Class One attrition rate was very good.

wow, 34 is a lot more than most of these programs. Tisch has higher numbers like these as well and Iā€™ve seen some people complain about it here on CC - saying that the kids donā€™t get the individual attention that they need. Thoughts? Personally I can see the potential issues, but also the beauty of more people being able to get in. I wonder how many applicants they get these days. I understand that attrition happens for many different reasons and there is bound to be some. But one school that we listened to an info session with had an attrition rate of about half. They were proud of how hard they were, but knowing the quality of kids trying out for these programs I had to think that there is something amiss if only half of them are going to graduate. It got me thinking to ask.

According to Rebecca Overton, they are aiming for a class of 32 - two cohorts of 16. She said that members of the two cohorts would intermingle for things like leveled dance classes.

This yearā€™s freshman class is 34. Or wasā€¦Iā€™m not sure if they still have that number. I think they lost 2. One left immediately after placement assessments in the fall. One left before the end of first semester -and that one seemed to be about issues with living with others or something. The class is not split into cohorts per say. They are split for different classes and classes are different sizes. The dance class was split in half so its about 17/17. The vocal tech was split to roughly 6/kids per class. The acting classes were around 11. I have yet to hear of a class bigger than 17 and my son has never thought there was a lack of individual attention. When we visited last year before making the final decision, we were told that they had seen 1200 auditions. I think the acceptance rate was about 4-5% to yield their class.

I have a few questions for @speezagmom and @JavaJo. Iā€™m a little unsure about how classes are divided between the Molloy campus and CAP21. I know freshmen spend two days a week at CAP21 and three days on campus. Obviously gen ed classes are taken on campus, and Iā€™m assuming classes such as music theory and sightsinging are as well, since they are offered through the music dept. What about private voice lessons? On campus? If so, are the voice teachers from the music dept., or are they musical theatre teachers? And are all dance classes taught at CAP21? If so, does that mean freshmen get only 2 days of dance per week? Could either of you weigh in and maybe give an example of your S or Dā€™s weekly schedule? Thanks in advance!!

Our D just got accepted today. Very excited. Had a few rejections before this and were getting worried. We did not have a top choice but Cap21 was in the top group. So happy!

Congratulations, @HappyTheatreDad , and welcome!

Congratulations @HappyTheatreDad !!

@tatteredandfriendly - as @speezagmom said, the current freshman class has around 34, but the actual class sizes are very small and provides a lot of individual attention! Two kids left fall semester due to personal reasons. If you read back through this thread, I believe other classes have commented on attrition rates for their classes, but overall I think itā€™s pretty low.

@FlaMTmom - for my Dā€™s fall semester:
M/W she had ā€œTheatre Arts 1ā€ in Manhattan which was comprised of ballet, jazz, vocal tech, and acting.
T/Th she had English/College Composition, Acting 1, and Voice/Diction on Molloyā€™s campus.
Fridayā€™s she had the College Experience class (req of all freshman), Music Theory, Class Piano, and her private voice lesson - all on Molloyā€™s campus.

Spring semester:
M/W she has ā€œTheatre Arts 2ā€ in Manhattan which is jazz, vocal tech, acting, and voice/diction (this last one is only on Mondays)
T/Th she has Movement/Actor 1, History of Musical Theatre, and Art History-Cinema all on Molloyā€™s campus
Fridays she has Sight Singing and Intro to Sociology also on Molloyā€™s campus.
Her voice lesson this semester is on Saturday on Molloyā€™s campus.

The CAP teachers are pretty phenomenal and many are also working professionals in the field (here is a link to their faculty profiles: ). They donā€™t list the private voice teachers on the website, but I believe most of them are also working professionals as well (my Dā€™s voice teacher was Elphaba on Broadway just this past summer). They have a lot of teachers so they are able to keep the class sizes small and give lots of individual attention. Also, many of the teachers also teach at other well respected programs (NYU, Julliard, PACE, etcā€¦).

Overall, my D has been very happy with the training she is receiving! And LOVES the proximity to the city and the opportunities it affords! She doesnā€™t mind the commute into the city those 2 days a week - it gives her time to work on homework or just chill and prepare for the day. :wink:

I hope this helps, let me know if I can answer any other questions!

@FlaMTmom My sonā€™s schedule has been very similar to Javajoā€™s daughterā€™s. To be clear, Dance is MW at CAP21 studios. First semester - itā€™s 1.5 hours of ballet and 1 hour of Jazz. 2nd semester, they have 1.5 Hours of Jazz on MW and a movement for actor class on campus - but it sounds like thatā€™s more of an acting class than dance. Dance ramps up as the go through the program. In Sophomore - 1st semester - 1.5 hours ballet per day. 2nd semester - 2.5 hours ballet and 2.5 of Jazz per week. Junior year - 1st semester - 2.5 hours dance for theater, 1.5 hours jazz & 1 hour tap. 2nd semester - 2.5 theater dance, 1, modern & 1 tap and senior year is similar. Iā€™ve read @EastchesterMom saying how her daughter transformed from a mover to a strong dancer through this program. Also - Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s a studio in Rockville Centre and of course there are classes all over NYC if you want to pick up more dance.

I wish I could remember my sonā€™s voice teacherā€™s name. I know he loves him, and when he first started with him, S told me about his background. I also found his website. They guy has a BM -Music from one of the big name schools along with advanced degrees in Vocology and Vocal Pedagogy. S meets with him for an hour each week (which is part of the cost of the program). First semester was on Saturdays and this semester has been on Fridays.

Proximity to Manhattan has been an amazing benefit. My sonā€™s other top choice would not have been in NYC, and I have thought about how valuable it is for them to get to learn the city and how to get around, etc. while still living on a college campus in a small community. I canā€™t imagine just moving there from some other place with no understanding of the city, the subways, where to live, etc. Itā€™s like theyā€™re getting a class in MT Actor Life at the same time as going to school. Theyā€™re also right there for things like summer stock auditions or open calls, etc. I think the seniors get a jump on the auditions for after school work by being there. And - I know my son doesnā€™t complain about the opportunities to see shows. Yesterday, he and his gf rushed Book of Mormon and got $27 tickets. Friday, he saw an off broadway show for free. A couple of weeks ago, he saw To Kill a Mocking Bird for $5 through the school. Heā€™s seen quite a few shows this year all at reasonable costs.

I will also add that my D definitely fell into the ā€œmoverā€ rather than dancer category and had very little dance training prior to this year, and now her dance classes are some of her favorite classes! She of course leveled into the beginning level classes, but that is okay because she needs the foundational training that she is now getting. In just one semester I can see notable improvement! Canā€™t wait to see where she is after all four years!

@JavaJo and @speezagmom Thank you so much for the great information. This is so helpful as we are trying to sort out the differences between the various programs. S and I are heading to NYC midweek to revisit Molloy and Marymount. He is looking forward to sitting in on some classes and meeting the students and faculty!

@JavaJo Would you please tell us how the housing works at Molloy? Our D will live on campus. I think there are two dorms. Do the Cap21 students typically concentrate in one of those dorms? Is there anything else we should know about housing?

Just adding to @javajo & @speezagmom great comments to give perspective from a sophomore mom point of view.

Attrition - I think my Ds class lost 3 after Freshman year and another 3 after first semester sophomore year. I donā€™t believe any of them were due to not being happy with the training. They were all more personal reasons. In every program there are kids that realize that a BFA theater program is not for them, others have had family issues, etc.

Voice lessons - are taught by industry professionals. Location depends on instructor and schedule. As long as things are going well, you will keep them for the four years. If you donā€™t feel they are, you can request a change after Freshman year. My D has had the same teach Freshman & Sophomore years. Freshman year her lessons were at Molloy, this year they are at the Manhattan CAP21 studios.

Housing - there are two dorms, which are basically right next to each other. CAP21 kids are generally paired to room together but they are not concentrated in one dorm. Most sophomores choose to stay in the dorms a second year. My D was one of the few that moved out of the dorms. Pluses and minuses to both options.

Class size - D is happy with the individual attention received and doesnā€™t feel classes are too big.

Dance - some of her friends have taken extra classes at the Broadway Dance Center. She has been fine with the amount of dance received.

@HappyTheatreDad - sure! Currently there are 2 dorms on campus, but they are building a 3rd and it will be ready for fall semester. The Capkids are currently spread across both dorms - Maria Regina and Fitzgerald Halls. Rumor has it that the new dorm building will also have practice rooms, so next year we may see more of a concentration of Capkids in that new dorm, but I also know of several who will not be in the new dorm next year too (depending on the room type they requested). I am told the new dorm will have all doubles and triples. Maria Regina and Fitzgerald Halls have a combination of singles, doubles, triples and suites. Molloy has historically been more of a commuter school, so they are still adjusting to the logistics of having more and more students living on campus. They are getting thereā€¦ :wink:
The addition of the new dorm building will definitely help! Also, the dorm buildings are all grouped together so no matter which one they end up in, they are still close to each other.

One additional thing on the dorms. They are co-ed by floor. So Fitz currently has 2 and a half floors of females and one half floor of males (there are separate wingsā€¦separated by the stairwell and doors. Maria Regina has 2/floors of females and one of males. Each floor/wing has a communal bathroom for the people that live on that floor/wing. Could change some with the new building I suppose.

Hi everyone. Joining this thread with a waitlisted D who is very interested in the program.

Does anyone know if they accepted a straight 32 and then waitlisted others, or did they accept more than 32 plus have a waitlist this year? I know I am overthinking this, but thatā€™s me. :smiley:

@MToverload - First, congratulations on the waitlist! Unfortunately I do not know the answer to your question :frowning: Sorry!
But I know last year there were kids who came off the waitlist - so fingers crossed for your D!! Hang in there!