BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@2019wolves I think I can accurately say that the BFA acceptance is tied to academic acceptance, so you don’t need to wait for another acceptance if you’ve receive BFA offer. My D is homeschooled and needed to submit some additional paperwork for the academic end of things in order to get her BFA offer.

@2019wolves We got the Molloy acceptance via snail mail today after getting the BFA email on Friday. It has all of the scholarship information and also says ,”You’ve been approved for the Theatre Arts BFA”. Hope that helps.

Thank you! I will look for the snail mail package – might take a bit longer for us on the west coast.

That packet is sitting on my kitchen counter, waiting for my son to get home from rehearsal. I’ve resisted ripping it open because I understand it also includes scholarship information, which is obviously super important to me. In general, how have the veteran parents found the school to be in terms of offering non-need-based financial aid? I mean, we do need it, but nobody seems to think we do.

@brieduck - my experience was that D got a very generous scholarship for academics… the Dominican Scholarship. She had to maintain a 3.0, if memory serves. Let me tell you, that helped a lot.

@brieduck My D received a generous scholarship from Molloy. It was directly tied to her GPA and test scores, the Dominican Scholarship. I am not aware of any talent based scholarship for CAP21 students. There is a fine arts and performing arts scholarship but in past year CAP21 students did not qualify, however, it doesn’t have that exclusion on the website anymore so maybe that has changed.

@waitingforlife - how funny is that; our girls got the same scholarship! That reminded me to point out that there are multiple Dominican scholarships every year.

@EastchesterMom - I thought the same thing. I didn’t see your message until after I posted mine :slight_smile:

S received both a Dominican and a deans scholarship. Also was able to apply for a community service scholarship through the school which he was awarded. They didn’t make it free by any means but the scholarships definitely help.

And if your child qualifies for work-study, guess where it could be: the Madison Theatre!

@tatteredandfriendly - finally was able to ask my D and she said they do get into the anatomy and physiology of singing. The acting question was a little harder to answer. I know several others talked about how the projects work so I won’t go into that. If your son is not able to go and sit in on classes, maybe he would like to talk to someone and get more info about the acting classes. I am sure my D would be happy to talk to him.

@2019wolves - we are also from CA, let me know if you have specific questions related to a CA girl heading to the East Coast :slight_smile:

@watingforlife , thank you for asking your daughter. We just got plane tickets to fly out at the end of the month for the tour where we can meet the faculty so I’m sure a lot of these questions will be answered then (although of course we are so full of curiosity, it’s fun to learn what we can here). For a minute it was looking like it was going to be really hard to make it out there on the dates they offer, but we are making it work.

Regarding everyone’s talk about scholarships, we just found out today that my S got a rather incredible scholarship based entirely on grades, not need (although we certainly do need it). He has to maintain a 3.5+ GPA to keep it. It seems from this thread that they are quite generous with academic scholarships.

And I just have to add, in case it wasn’t clear before, we are over the moon :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Also, this thread is amazing. I just went looking for similar threads for a few other schools that we are waiting to hear back from, like Manhattan School of Music and Long Island University… - I couldn’t find anything like this. The community here is lovely. The sincere interest from current students & their parents in who will be joining them, the overwhelming positive talk about the school, all of the congratulations and question answering and general support. I think it says a lot about Cap21 that the community feeling is reflected here so strongly.

Thank you so much for all the information. This is so helpful to us. We are still processing this news. The odds of getting in were so low we were mainly talking about choosing between BA programs in our state universities.

Now to figure out how we’re going to pay for this. We’ll manage.

Congratulations @MT19Mom and @brieduck !! So happy for all of you who have received acceptances! Please continue to ask questions and we will answer as best we can! The good and the bad! :wink:

Regarding scholarships - My D also received the Dominican Scholarship and the Dean’s scholarship, and yes she has to maintain a 3.5 GPA to keep them. They are definitely generous with the academic scholarships, but up to now have not offered talent or artistic scholarships - would be nice if that could change! Of the scholarship offers my D received, Molloy’s was the lowest (other programs included academic and artistic scholarship offers), but we couldn’t pass up the opportunity for her to go there!! It’s not easy, but we are making it work. It’s worth it to give her the training to set her up for success!!

Envelope opened, and scholarships known - very generous, but of course it’s still expensive. But also very exciting! Now I have a different question - how important is accepted students day? We would LOVE to be there but my son has already committed to (and paid for) a school trip. I’m asking his teachers if it might be possible for him to hop on an airplane and miss the end of the trip, but don’t know.

@Javajo, okay, I’m biting; so what is the bad? Your comment made me realize that I don’t think I’ve seen any bad yet; but it can’t be perfect right? I’m not worried, just curious.

@Brieduck, this is the first mention of “accepted students day” that I have seen, so I just looked it up. It’s April 23rd, which is long after their last possible day for visiting the Manhattan campus (last one is April 15th), so I can’t imagine that they expect people who live far away to fly out there twice. I don’t see how it’s feasible for most people who aren’t in NY and still need to do the theatre program visit.

@brieduck I can’t remember what accepted students day had in terms of CAP21 related events as we didn’t attend. If it’s just the general day, I would say - skip that and arrange a time to visit campus and the studios on a day when your student can attend a couple of classes. If you reach out to Rebecca regarding the dates that you have available, she’ll help you and ensure that you get into classes. We visited on a day that wasn’t on their schedule. We started on campus at Molloy at about 9:30am if I remember right. We had a tour of the campus - in the pouring rain! We then ubered back to the train station and took the train/subway in just as the CAP kids do to get a feel for the commute. We had a tour of the studios with Rebecca. S then attended classes while I visited with Rebecca and then headed to a coffee shop for a while. (Bring a book or your favorite activity along. You will not attend the classes. Gregory’s coffee is just a couple of doors down and was quite good.) Rebecca then recommended a reasonable restaurant in the area where we had dinner before S went back to watch part of a rehearsal. Again - parents not allowed so I sat in the waiting room with my book. It was a good visit - gave him everything he needed to be able to make the decision.

@tatteredandfriendly I think you’ll find something that isn’t completely peachy with every program. Honestly, for my S, there hasn’t been much that he doesn’t like - and what there has been is super mundane. They had some food vendor issues at the beginning of the school year that were pretty bad, but the school reacted very quickly - firing the vendor and getting a new one in. The new vendor is much better, but the kids still wish there was more variety to the food offered. With only 250 living on campus, I think it’s tough for them to offer a ton of variety. Maybe it will increase next year when they have another building full of students. As a side note on this one - on the days that the kids are in the city, there is a cafe in the studio building that takes their meal plan. S really likes it and eats both breakfast and lunch there on the days they’re in the city.

S doesn’t love the fact that there is no kitchen facility available in the dorms or that they have the communal bathrooms, but that’s pretty normal. They can have a small fridge, microwave, and Kuerig in their room, but that’s about it.

S doesn’t mind the commute into the city, but has said that the ride home is packed. That said - they could probably wait 30 minutes or something and not have to take the rush hour train. I would guess that this goes away sophomore year as they’ll have rehearsals in the evening at the Manhattan center.

I think they had a little bit of trouble getting the shuttles from campus synched up to the train arrival schedule, but it sounds like that’s improved as well.

So - there’s all the dirt that I have. :slight_smile: Keep asking!

@tatteredandfriendly, DS received an email from Rebecca that referenced a March 30 accepted students day. It would be wonderful if we could go another day as he’ll be in Florida. She said more details would be forthcoming, but it’s good to know they have been flexible in the past with @speezagmom.

Lots of the other BFA programs include a technical theatre element - how does that work here? With a more project-based learning style instead of full-scale productions, I’m guessing there are fewer opportunities for students to learn the technical side. Also, I can’t find the BFA curriculum anywhere to see the details. If someone wouldn’t mind providing a link, I would appreciate it.