BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@speezagmom , thanks for the dirt (although it’s not very dirty :slight_smile: )

@2019wolves did you drive across the country to bring your D to Molloy or did you fly her out there with all her stuff? and @waitingforlife what’s your plan? I’m curious about how other west coasters handle the long move? We are thinking road trip.

Is Molloy a campus that students living there have cars at? I’m thinking probably not?

@tatteredandfriendly my D is a high school senior, just recently accepted to Molloy/CAP21. So I have the same question as you ?

@tatteredandfriendly & @2019wolves - My D is a current sophomore. When we moved her into the dorms we flew out with 2 large suitcases and one small one. Everything else we either shipped to the dorm or bought when we got there. They were very good about making it easy to buy stuff online and having it shipped to the dorm, when we arrived all the stuff we had shipped ahead was waiting for her in her dorm room. Bed Bath and Beyond also has a good program that you can either buy online or in a local store and then pick it up at the location near the college. We utilized that as well. Then a couple trips to Target and she was all set. If you want to make a road trip out of it, that works too.

As for the “dirt”, I would say the lack of options for dorm food and nothing else close by was one of the main reasons my D chose to move off campus sophomore year. She also wanted it to be easier to get to the city and to be able to walk to the grocery store or a restaurant and of course have her own room! The only other thing that she saw as a benefit that was missing was the collaboration with other arts majors. Some of her other friends are at schools that have film majors, directing etc. and that gives more opportunities to work on different types of projects. However, now that she is in sophomore year and is busier, I think she realizes that she probably doesn’t have that much time for it anyway.

@brieduck - here is a link to the 8 semester plan. Of course this is not set in stone, particularly for the GEs but it is a good start. The part that is missing is the detail of the CAP21 classes, which is a key component. I don’t think there is a link on the website for that information. I have a copy that is a little outdated, but could send it to you if you want to PM me with your email. Or you could ask Rebecca to send you a copy.

And for the technical side, there is the Madison Theater opportunities.

@tatteredandfriendly There’s just not much that I’ve heard in relation to the program or classes. S loves it. The worst I can say is that you get partnered up with others for scenes for acting classes. Sometimes those partner-ings work well and sometimes it doesn’t work as well. That would be the same in any program as I’m sure there’s always going to be people you have great synergy with and others that you just don’t. He has loved all of his teachers. Oh - I thought of one more. They all groan when they get one of the instructors as a sub for their dance class because he makes them do these really hard push-ups they don’t like as a part of their warm ups - and not like 10. We’re talking 50ish. Dirtier? lol. :slight_smile:

Any opportunities for study abroad? Seems like some programs have great relationships with overseas schools and encourage their students to study abroad for a semester (something my D is extremely interested in doing). Does Molloy/ CAP21 have this option?

@2019wolves They don’t have a program where you spend a semester abroad. I do remember hearing that they have the ability to go in the summer for a period of time, but I don’t remember the details. Probably a good question for Rebecca unless someone else remembers.

OK, here comes the old lady with the 5-year-old info. Re tech…oh yes, there’s tech - for all the projects. I remember D complaining about how much she hated it, LOL! This is a well-rounded education.

Re cars on campus if you live on campus - we were told at the time that freshmen campus dwellers can’t have cars, which was so absurd that a bunch of the parents complained. I confess I didn’t pay much attention because D didn’t have a car at the time, but her colleague from CA did, and she kept it on campus freshman year, if I remember correctly. D had a car sophomore year and kept it on campus. There is parking right next to the dorms. I would absolutely push to the max on that one…this is a lovely campus, but it’s pretty much in the middle of a residential area.

More of the bad and the ugly - the biggest problem from my POV was that Molloy didn’t seem to realize that it was no longer a commuter school. We were the guinea pigs, and they really didn’t seem to know what to do with so many full-time residents (Maria Regina Hall had just opened as the second dorm). The Class One parents were pretty militant, and I think things have changed in that regard. There’s a lot more to do on campus now. I’m thrilled to hear that a third dorm is opening up! Parents of current freshmen: the suites are the way to go sophomore year; no more communal bathroom issues. And microwave cooking becomes easier because everyone in the suite can have a little fridge.

Yes, the food is not outstanding at Molloy. Wasn’t then; isn’t now. I bet that Uber Eats is pretty popular on campus. There’s also a little restaurant within walking distance that takes Lion Bucks (the campus “currency”), as do many businesses in downtown Rockville Centre (“RVC”), which they can get to via shuttle. Once you get past freshman year, it doesn’t even matter, because three days a week, your child won’t be on campus from early in the morning to late at night…they keep 'em busy at the Manhattan Center! (This also resolves the rush hour commuting issue). This is NYC; there are tons and tons of great, reasonable places to grab a meal nearby, and now I hear that there’s a place right in the Manhattan Center itself.

I’m trying hard to think of anything else that’s bad about this…and I seriously can’t!

Re semester abroad - not an option for the BFAs because of the Projects…but yes, there are summer abroad opportunities. D almost went to Europe after junior year, but got a local summer acting gig, so that was that.

My son was wondering what are the performance opportunities.

@Watamom - see previous posts beginning at #805.

Yikes. Received our Molloy packet in the mail today. Received zero financial aid or scholarships. Just a bill for the $400 registration fee. I plan to contact financial aid tomorrow to see what options we might have. Not sure what happened. She’s a 4.2 student, we filed the FAFSA, yet we received nothing. D won’t be able to attend without sufficient financial assistance ?

Can someone tell me if CAP 21 Manhattan has extra fees separate from Molloy? Wondering if what is posted on Molloy’s website is inclusive of all tuition, housing, fees, etc.?

Also, what might be an average monthly cost for train and subway fees?

Trying to figure this all out. After reading about generous aid given by Molloy, we are pretty disappointed to get nothing.

@2019wolves - there is an additional fee for CAP21 that is $3000 per semester. It is not included on the website but your financial aid packet should include it with the estimated costs. It is surprising with that GPA that nothing was received for scholarship, I would definitely contact FA and see what they can do. For train cost, typically the Freshmen will share a monthly pass with a sophomore since they travel opposite days and that will be about $300 per month and can be split 40/60 since Freshman use it 2 days and sophomore 3. Subway I think will be another $45 or $50 per month.

@waitingforlife Thank you for the information – very helpful! Maybe we are missing the financial aid packet? We only received a nice folder, a letter of acceptance into the BFA program, and the notice about the $400 registration fee. We did not receive anything about estimated costs. So I will contact them them tomorrow.

@2019wolves - yes they typically come separately and you would get a financial aid letter regardless of whether you received any aid or not so I am sure it is on the way. Hope it has good news!

@2019wolves I would be surprised if they don’t have something for you with that GPA.

My Freshman doesn’t share a train pass. He buys the 10 packs and has both a peak and an offpeak 10 pass. When they travel for school during normal hours, it’s on a peak pass. The peak 10 pass costs $135 and for school, that’s an average of about 1.5 passes per month or $216 for the LIRR. Metro is $3 per ride - so about $48 per month just for school. This assumes they are just using the train and the metro for school. They will go in on the weekends and days off to see shows, etc. However, I think weekends are off-peak which is a bit cheaper. ($83 for the off peak 10 pass) S decided not to share a pass as it wasn’t that much more expensive to do it this way, and then he didn’t have to deal with the logistics of getting the pass from his partner every other day. He has heard some of his classmates say that sharing is a bit painful because it’s hard to trade the pass when you have to go into the city early in the morning and your sophomore doesn’t get home from rehearsal til 10 or 11, etc. Then there’s also the question of who gets to use the pass on the weekend.

@tatteredandfriendly - I don’t think I have much more “dirt” to share than what others have already mentioned :wink:
The biggest downsides have been the food, the communal bathrooms, the shuttle issues and the secluded location of the Rockville Centre campus - but like @speezagmom mentioned, many of these have been addressed to some extent. And overall, none of these are that big of a deal, or any different than other programs!

The only other negative that got many of the Freshman students worked up this year was the change in the dance classes for spring semester - they were supposed to have ballet and jazz both fall and spring sememster, but they swapped ballet for a “movement” class instead. This had many of the students quite upset as they did not want to lose ballet spring semester. Is what it is - my D likes the movement class, but still wishes she could have continued with ballet. Especially since she had never taken ballet and was just starting to make improvements and now she is afraid she will lose what she had gained. Oh well, que sera, sera!

@2019wolves - I would definitely follow up with Financial Aid and inquire about scholarships and aid. We had a very delayed financial aid packet last year, and when I called it was because there had been a FAFSA school code issue and they hadn’t received that information, so once we got that taken care of, we received our financial aid packet which included the scholarship info. So definitely check with them!

Congratulations again to all who received acceptances/waitlist offers and please keep the questions coming! And let us know when (okay, IF :wink: ) you decide to commit! :slight_smile:

I can see how the freshmen would be upset about the curriculum change, but in all the years of CAP21’s existence, it has never been a stagnant program. It’s no different now that Molloy is its partner. CAP21 has its ear to the ground in this business, and if they think that a movement class will better prepare the students, I’m with them.

A word to all who are auditioning at Strawhats…. I might of mentioned it before, but if your child gets an offer from Weathervane, SERIOUSLY consider it. Yes, it’s an internship, and yes, you have to pay for your room and board in NH, but D had the summer of her life last year and learned A LOT. She was in four shows, plus the Patchwork Players (the interns put on shows for kids) and never worked so hard even in school. Weathervane alumni come back every summer for a reunion show, so D met a ton of pros…and got 9 Equity points in the process. Some of my friends said we were crazy to do it, but it turned out to be a great move.

@2019wolves , we received the financial aid information in the same packet as the snail mail acceptance letter. Definitely contact the financial aid office to see what is up. I hope they are able to offer you good assistance!

Please don’t take this question the wrong way, I’m not trying to be politically divisive, but how conservative is Molloy? I understand that it’s Catholic and has a religion requirement - one class with a diverse range of options is fine with me. Ethics classes are awesome - I had one both in undergrad at a Lutheran affiliated college and grad school at a Catholic affiliated university. DS does not identify as religious and definitely not as conservative. Our experience has been that theatre folks are diverse and respectful of a wide range of thoughts and beliefs and I’m hoping it would be the same at Molloy. DS is straight but has many friends who are not. Again, I’m sorry if this question is offensive but we want to make sure we’re selecting a program that’s a good fit.