BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@MTlizard - I sent you a PM. Unfortunately, it may have gone to more than just you!! :open_mouth: Not sure what happenedā€¦ but if you respond, just start a new message with me. :wink:

I know we had trouble figuring out what the actual cost was last year too so at the risk of oversharing, Iā€™ll put this out there. I just pulled our statement for 2nd semester and after adding it up, I think the total cost is for the full year is $50,010. (Basically took the 2nd semester costs and doubled them. This includes our dorm fees, meal plan fees, the CAP fees, activity fees and any other nickle and dime thing they charge us.). This is just the cost - NO scholarships or aid, etc subtracted. If youā€™re buying the 10 packs for train tickets, I think the total cost for commuting including both train and metro will be $1,800. (Logic: 30 weeks of traveling 2 days per week. This recognizes that they are home for a month over Christmas break and a week for Spring break. They also have a day here or there off so Iā€™m probably overstating a tish, but close) So - all in, I think the cost is about $52K when you include the transportation. I guess I didnā€™t include books, but that has been super reasonable for us - like maybe $150 per semester? S does a good job of finding used books on amazon which cuts the cost significantly.

On negotiating - we didnā€™t, but we had some nice scholarships and the total cost was similar across the offers for schools he was most interested in. I sometimes feel like we were dumb not to, but we kind of hate negotiating for anything. (Weā€™ll go out of our way to buy from a ā€œbest priceā€ car dealership.) I have seen all the reports of people doing just that, and I think that if you are polite, it certainly couldnā€™t hurt. I would start with Rebecca, but youā€™ll probably end up talking to the admissions office or financial aid. I also wonder if they have an appeals process?

@speezagmom THANK YOU That really gives us a very good idea to compare programs and costs.

We figured spending for the fall semester for our D to help her create a budget for spring, and she spent $648.00 for train and subway fall semester. She split the cost of the monthly train ticket with a current sophomore. She also spent $251.00 on Lyft - some of that was to get to and from the airport for Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks.

@speezagmom Thank you for this info! This is significantly below the estimate I had come up with, from various websites so it is really helpful information to have someoneā€™s actual costs!

@MTlizard and @ZukAndSowash I should also note that when you get your ā€œestimated total costā€ statement from the school, itā€™s going to be higher. I was alarmed last year because it looked like so much more than what the tuition costs, etc. were. Read it closely, they are estimating costs into that which are not paid to the school. I donā€™t remember for sure, but I feel like it was about $6K of ā€œother stuffā€ which included transportation, etc. I think that is geared more to the commuters than it is to the CAP kids. I know we havenā€™t spent near that amount - unless you include the plane tickets homeā€¦then weā€™re closer. but I still donā€™t think weā€™ve spent that much. Not sure where youā€™re from, but for traveling home, S usually takes an Uber to JFK which runs about $20-25. You can take the LIRR and the Airtrain into JFK but the cost is pretty close to the same so the convenience of Uber is worth that $5-8 more. We donā€™t live near a major hub airport so we basically have 2 airline choices and a HUGE airport with 3 gates lol! So our cost has been around $500-600 per ticket. Yours might be cheaper if you live near a bigger airport and have more airline choices.

And even cheaper if itā€™s a three hour drive! Thanks for the info again!!

Thank you @speezagmom for your input on real cost expectations. And, thanks to all that have chimed in on this topic and on this thread. It is incredibly helpful. This program is at the top of my sonā€™s list and we are very excited about visiting in a couple of weeks but I have been a bit nervous about the total costs. The information you all have so generously shared is very helpful and much appreciated.

Havenā€™t been here for a couple of days - catching up, this thread continues to fill me with excitement and warm fuzzies. @ZukAndSowash I hope that your S chooses Molloy, because Iā€™ve really enjoyed your humor on one of the other forums (the venting one? The acceptance dates one?).

A few student life questionsā€¦

  1. Can anyone explain the difference between the different meal plans at Molloy? The website lists Gold, Silver, Bronze and Ruby with different prices, and says freshmen have to choose between gold and silver, but I canā€™t find any more information than that.
  2. Does anyone know if the new dorms will have kitchens so that students can cook? Old dorms donā€™t right?
  3. Any other housing information? Like thoughts about the choices between single, shared, and suite rooms? Is one building better than another for any reason? Do they take requests? Are there requests we should be making? Do they tend to put all of the MT kids in the same dorm building?
    Thank you for any input!

Hi @tatteredandfriendly - I will chime in to try to answer your questions and then my fellow Cappie parents can also chime in with their input too:

  1. For CAP students, since they are not on campus two days a week, they do not have to choose the top tier meal plans. So for fall semester we chose the Ruby plan - however, because there is a place at 52 Broadway that takes their meal plan, we ended up running out of funds on the meal plan and had to add money; so we opted for the Bronze plan for spring semester.
  2. The new dorms will not have kitchens - so no dorms on campus have kitchens.
  3. The new dorm has all doubles and triples - no singles, no suites. Maria Regina and Fitzgerald both have singles, doubles, triples and suites. Having said that, you should probably know that most freshmen are put in triples unless you have a medical reason/disability for which you need a double. Both Maria and Fitz are relatively new (like within the last 10 years) and in decent shape. Nothing special, but adequate. The new dorm, however, will have soundproof practice rooms, so that is a nice bonus. This past year, the Cappies were in both Maria and Fitz, so not concentrated into one particular building. Since the upperclassmen have already had their ā€œhousing lotteryā€, I know that they are again split between the buildingsā€¦

Here is a link to an article talking more about the new dorm:

Ok soā€¦meal plans. We didnā€™t choose. They just put us on silver and I think weā€™re getting money rolled over from first semester so it was plenty.

Housingā€¦no kitchens much to my sonā€™s displeasure. All the dorms are pretty newā€¦like within the last 10 years I think? One is refurbished. The kids arenā€™t clustered together but the buildings are all right next to each other so theyā€™re not far away. As far as I know, they donā€™t allow you to request a building. You will likely be in a double or triple. I think there are about 4 suites and they go to upper class men. Singles also seem to go to upper classmen. A double is better because some of the triple rooms are actually converted double rooms so itā€™s slightly cramped. S is in a triple and it has been fine, but he would love a bit more room.

Thank you so much!

I just got my acceptance on Monday and Iā€™m stoked! I was wondering though if anyone knew of any performance clips that are available, itā€™s the only thing that I havenā€™t been able to find. Thanks!

Congratulations and welcome, @CEarlMT! Molloy/CAP21 never permits student performances to be posted, even on its website. What you will find on the website are some clips of Madison Theatre performances, which are outside the curriculum. You might just find some contraband on YouTube, too (Iā€™m just sayinā€™).

@CEarlMT Congratulations and welcome! This is a bit of a tedious journey, but if you go to the molloy website and navigate to the CAP21 theatre arts program, there is a link to the class of 2018 senior showcase. (This is class one and @EastchesterMom 's daughter is a part of that group.) Donā€™t get too excited, this is not going to give you the full showcase. Youā€™ll see each of the students headshots. If you click on them, youā€™ll get their resume. I think all of them have a website posted on their resume and some of them have videos posted on their websites. Some of those videos are their solos from the showcase. Itā€™s not a full production but it will give you a look at the performances of the individuals. (I know - stalkerish. My best friend calls me Digital (Nancy) Drew. If itā€™s out there, Iā€™ll find it!)

One more thought on housingā€¦ Now, this falls into the unconfirmed rumor category, but my son told me some of the kids were irritated because they couldnā€™t get into the new dorm during the housing lottery because the school reserved - I canā€™t remember if he said one or two - floors of the building for incoming freshmen. It could be that theyā€™ll try to put the Freshmen cappies in the new building. @JavaJo do you have any intel on this? I can ask S later.

@speezagmom - my D said the same thing, that many of the upper classmen were frustrated that they didnā€™t get a room in the new dorm. My D chose a single for next year and is in Maria. She and her friends were not able to get a suite, so the rest of them chose to get a double but were not able to select a room in the new dorm. So, your presumption that they are reserving it for freshman may be accurate :wink:

@JavaJo My S got a single in Maria next year too. He is thrilled.

I emailed a few days ago asking if I would be able to get a room there as an incoming freshman, and how hard it would be to land that. I was told that if I confirmed by April 1st that they could get me a room there, so Iā€™d be apt to say that thatā€™s the case.

Oh wow, a dorm full of freshmen Cappies - the jointā€™s gonna rock, literally and figuratively! D told me that Molloy/CAP21 is hotter than hot in the biz these days; some bigshot (she told me his name but I forget it) is directing the Pop/Rock Project! D is a little jealousā€¦