BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

Yes - Rob Rokicki - (The lightning thief) and Eric Price (The violet hour)

I predict that in the very near future, Molloy/CAP21 will be one of the ā€œlottery programs,ā€ meaning that gaining admission to the program is such a longshot itā€™s like winning the lottery. Itā€™s difficult enough now. D thanks her lucky stars that we found this place, and that they saw something in her and nurtured it.

Oh, and congratulations @CEarlMT !! :slight_smile:

Wishing it was a little less popular at the moment so my D could come off the waitlist! But still plenty of time. In the meantime itā€™s great hearing all the positive feedback!

Fingers and toes crossed for you, @MTSongbirdMom!

So happy to find this forum. This has been my Dā€™s top school for 2 years after she met Rebecca at a Performing Arts College Fair. We are still doing the financial breakdown to see if this is do-able. Just wanted to say I really appreciate all of the info posted here and how warm this community is. VERY different than other school forums Iā€™ve checked out!

Yes it is, @CoffeeNTheatre - and there truly is no other MT program like it, or that even comes close, IMHO.

BTW - congrats and welcome, @CoffeeNTheatre - I now see you are a brand-new poster!

Yes I am. Thanks!

This forum is the best :slight_smile: Weā€™ve been snooping around these forums for a few months now trying to learn all we can about various schools and this is hands down the friendliest nook Iā€™ve found on CC (and in general Iā€™ve found CC to be pretty friendly, so thatā€™s saying a lot). Iā€™ve started thinking of colleges in terms of which Hogwarts house the college seems to be and Iā€™ve got Molloy categorized as Hufflepuff in the best possible way.

@tatteredandfriendly - we are even nicer in personā€¦I am still friendly with a bunch of Class One parents. We were the guinea pigs, and we decided we had to all hang together or else we would all hang separately - there was no dissention in the ranks when it came to dealing with the then-clueless Molloy front office, and we each helped out each otherā€™s kids whenever we needed to (I hosted Class One and Class Two kids who couldnā€™t get home for Thanksgiving; another parent put up my D once, etc). We all hugged each other and cried our eyes out at Showcase. Itā€™s how we roll. From what Iā€™ve seen and heard, Class Two and Three are the same.

Welcome and congratulations @CoffeeNTheatre !!

And @tatteredandfriendly itā€™s funny that you say that about Hufflepuffs! My D and a group of friends went to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child last month and 5 of the 6 of them were Hufflepuffs when they took the Pottermore quiz!! ?

And Iā€™m a Gryffindor, LOL!

How popular is CAP21? I havenā€™t seen it mentioned very often in other threads. Thereā€™s no doubt in my mind that it is a great program so itā€™s weird to me that it isnā€™t frequently mentioned. Maybe Iā€™m just not looking at the right threads?

@CEarlMT The program is fairly new. The first class just graduated in May. That said, CAP21 did the studio training for NYU until, if I remember right, 2013. They parted ways over what sounds like a disagreement over financials or something. CAP21 has an long and strong reputation overall. Molloy and CAP21 started collaborating in 2014 and Molloy purchased CAP21 in, I think, 2015 so they are now permanently a part of Molloy. (They still retain the same head of the program and many faculty have been there for many many years.) You may have seen me say earlier that I have a son in the freshman class. I was told last year when we visited after our acceptances, that they had auditioned 1200 potential students. Iā€™m sure this was inclusive of walk-ins, etc. Nonetheless, out of that 1200, I think they said they accepted 70-75 (if I remember right) to yield the class of 34.

@CEarlMT - some famous CAP21 alums (although some dropped out before graduation) are Lady Gaga, Matthew Morrison, Nikki James, and Kristen Bell.

And Anne Hathaway. Pretty much if you go to any Broadway show or travel show, and you see a BFA from NYU - they have been through the CAP21 program. A lot of people only recognize the NYU name - but never realized it was CAP21 program that did the musical theatre training. Just like they are now except Molloy has total control over the CAP program now. And if youā€™ve seen the new studios you realize - that was a great move. Just look at the faculty, and you know what type of education your children will be getting. Iā€™m always hearing - my voice teacher was in Wicked. My dance teacher has been in over 40 broadway shows, my teacherā€™s husband wrote the Lightning Thief. It goes on and on with this faculty. Not going to get a more experienced faculty anywhere IMO.

@EastchesterMom wonā€™t be long till we start putting those kids from class 1 name on that famous Alum list!!!

Love you for that, @mtandsbdad !

Thanks for your responses, I do have a few more questions though!

Is the CAP faculty and curriculum the same as when they were teaching at NYU? Also, how many opportunities for attending masterclasses and shows are there? Thanks!