BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

@Libish - when my D lived on campus, she and her friends were very active on campus - basketball games, the Performing Arts Club, all kinds of stuff. Once she moved to Queens for junior and senior year, there was no time for any on-campus fun. The CAP21 program is very rigorous… very. One of her apartment-mates had a boyfriend who attended another prestigious NYC MT program. D said that the Cappies had far more work to do than he did. D even had class on Saturday. I agree wholeheartedly with @mtandsbdad – you have got to be 110% committed to it, or you won’t make it through. In D’s Class of 2018, there were 24 who started, and only 19 graduated. Most dropped out, but two were kicked out. This is NOT an easy major by any means.

@JavaJo , @speezagmom, @MTSongbirdMom , @EastchesterMom thanks again! When we schedule this visit I’m not sure if we’ll have any questions bc they’ve already been answered! I do have one for you guys, it’s been posted here about spirit wear along with links to the store but nothing is there any more? Any idea what happened or is there another place to look?

@2020MTMom - here is a link to the Molloy College Apparel Store:

If you are looking for CAP21 merchandise specifically, you can use the search bar and enter CAP 21 - you have to have the space or it won’t find anything :wink: Not a huge selection yet, but at least they finally have CAP21 specific merchandise now!

@EastchesterMom and @mtandsbdad thanks for the info. My daughter knows very well what she is getting in to, and wouldn’t have it any other way. I just want for her to know what it is like to go to college. She will ideally spend the rest of her professional life training and performing. The appeal of programs like Molloy/CAP21 is that there is the conservatory training, but also the “college experience.” Exciting times!

@JavaJo thanks! I was trying without the space, and the link from the earlier post wouldn’t take me there either! Wanted to surprise D.

@javajo gave some good references for campus life. There are definitely things to do if you have the time and want to. They have division II athletics - basketball, baseball, volleyball, etc. 50+ different clubs. It seems like the school is always putting on some activity if you follow molloylife.

When they are freshmen, they have some time to experience some of those college things. Sophomore year - stuff gets real. Not only are you in the city for studio classes 3 days per week (S typically leaves around 7am and gets back around 6 or 7pm), you start to have project performance rehearsals that are typically 3 days per week - one of which is most of the day on Saturday. When this is going on - most activities seem to be centered on the need to’s - rehearsing with your scene partner(s), homework, practicing, laundry, and any food runs, etc. There really is very limited time for anything extra when Sunday is the only free day of the week.

With respect to the campus life, I agree with what @javajo and @speezagmom have said. There are things to do, but not much time to do it! I will say that Thursday night seems to be the big night for a lot of college events at Molloy likely because they are still somewhat in the commuter school mindset. But this semester their head of residence life has been looking into adding more weekend event options as more and more students are staying on campus. And several of my D’s classmates have made friends in other programs and attended events at those schools as well. But I concur that due to the rigors of the schedule of a BFA there is not a ton of free time. She did get frustrated a few times last semester when there were really cool or useful events on a day she was in Manhattan. But with the tradeoff of the education she is getting it is so worth it! College is what you make of it and there are definitely college things to do at Molloy!

@MTSongbirdMom My DS is bitter when he misses the day that they bring the dogs on campus. lol :smiley:

@speezagmom My D is the same…she misses her dogs. She was really upset she missed petting the alpaca at the beginning of the year. She said something last semester and they are doing it both Wednesday and Thursday this semester with the dogs so they can try to hit most CAP kids! And trying to get more dogs certified apparently for next year ?

I don’t get this about alpacas and dogs, but it sounds like fun!

@MTSongbirdMom If anyone mentions the opportunity to interact with dogs and alpacas, my daughter’s decision will be made for her!

@EastchesterMom They have dog therapy on campus in the counseling center… program called Sit, Stay, Heal. It used to be an occasional thing. But it’s been so popular they have made it a mostly weekly event (depending on owner availability). I don’t know if the “pet an alpaca event” at the start of school was intended to be therapeutic but my daughter was sad she missed out and some of us parents missing our kids right after dropoff wished we could have pet an alpaca ?. This coming Tuesday they are having goat therapy! My D is a huge animal lover and underestimated just how much she would miss her dogs. So she’s a huge fan although I think she’s only made it a few times.

@Libish @MTSongbirdMom same here, she will not give it a second thought if dogs are involved, let alone alpacas and goats!

@2020MTMom maybe our daughters can be roommates if they both end up there!

Time to suggest to Henry Fonte that CAP21 stage an animal act: Dances with Dogs!

@Libish only if your D is game to help conceal the alpaca that my daughter will no doubt attempt to steal

all this alpaca/dog/goat talk really made me smile. My kid also misses our furry critters. I’ve been told that there is a somewhat questionable pet store in town that they like to go to because you can handle a lot of the pets :smile:

I wonder if being an animal lover is a requirement to be a cappie. S practically begged me to bring our dog to composer project next month. I was like… ummm no. lol

For folks planning on visiting, Molloy switched to only distance classes today due to CoVid19 (precautionary - no cases of it at this point on campus). I believe that campus is otherwise open, but classes are closed.

Re: campus switching to virtual classes and visits. Rebecca is working on virtual tours and other means to help prospective students connect and get a feel of campus and any questions answered. So reach out to her. Hopefully they will be able to resume classes on March 30 as planned.