BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

Hello fellow Cappies…it’s been a very long time! Congratulations to all the new Cappies…your kiddos are lucky indeed and will have the time of their lives! For all the newbies… my D is a member of the Class of 2018, the first graduating class, and I started this thread in 2014. Update on D…p/k/a Jennifer Brett. After being unemployed for a year due to COVID, Celebrity Cruise Lines is sailing again in June, so they called her back last Friday. She flew to Barbados, will board there, rehearse onboard, and then it’s off to Greece for 6-8 months. She’s in touch with her classmates and they are all doing well…and are thrilled that things are about to open up in NYC! Again, congrats and welcome to our new family members!


We’ve had three tours over the last week, including the Cap 21 tour today. We finish with the Molloy campus tour tomorrow.

I think we’re close to having a Cappie…


@namenotusedyet - Love that! Although we would love to welcome you all into the CAP Family, your kiddo needs to make the decision that will be best for them. Crossing fingers that the decision is clear - whatever it may be! :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey, all-

Question for anyone on the waitlist- did your kid receive an academic acceptance/financial aid package? We did not, though did get an honors college acceptance/invite and a recent form letter saying reasons why she should choose Molloy. Should she have gotten an academic acceptance outside of the artistic waitlist (like Pace, LIU, MM did)? I’d love to know what her financial aid might be.

We are waitlist and have not gotten anything from them.

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While I realize every kid is different and every skill set is different, for those who have kids in the program, what struck you about their respective improvement when you saw them perform for their projects, or in the Madison shows?

I feel like we all know our kids really well, we know what we see, but we also all know when we might be blown away by our own kids. How did they improve, if at all, after training at Molloy/CAP21? What did you see?


A couple of replies in one.

@starbuck71 - The acceptance is an all-in-one package so you probably won’t receive anything until you have an answer on the WL. That said, you could sure contact financial aid and see if they’ll give you some advance info on the package.

@namenotusedyet I think each of us will probably have a different answer as the program is really well balanced, and it probably depends on your kid’s strength/weaknesses. I think my kid would tell you he has vastly improved across all disciplines. While he’s always been a good singer, he has benefitted immensely from having a vocal instructor with advanced vocal pedagogy that really understands the male voice. He has un-done several bad habits that our small-town local instructor instilled in him. He was not a dancer going in so his dance has improved significantly. I think his acting has improved as well - but dance and vocal tension release are probably the most significant gains for him.


@namenotusedyet - I would have to agree with @speezagmom . I think I have seen growth in all 3 areas for my D; but especially dance as she was not a “dancer” going into this program. She also has really enjoyed learning accents and has excelled in that arena as well. She has had some ups and downs with her voice teachers, but is happy with who she has now and has found a good fit for her. She has only been able to work with this current voice teacher via virtual lessons, so looking forward to seeing the improvements she will make when she can resume in-person voice lessons again.


Thanks, @speezagmom. Really appreciate it.

Great thanks, @JavaJo.

Great callout @JavaJo. I’ve been really impressed with the dialect training. @namenotusedyet They have voice and speech class every semester, and each semester, they study a different (or group of different) dialect(s). My kid can talk to me and just seamlessly switch between various accents all in the same sentence.


@starbuck71 I saw your post on the other thread. Too bad they won’t release financial aid info! They do have some scholarship information on their web page. Here are a couple that might give you some hints. They automatically apply the scholarships based on your application to the school - you don’t have to apply for them separately.

Molloy College Scholar’s Program
A limited number of full tuition scholarships are available for entering full-time freshmen. Awards are based on academic achievement and college aptitude test scores. Minimum eligibility requirements are a minimum of 95 percent high school average and either a minimum score of 1380 combined from critical reading and math or a minimum of 30 on the ACT. Students must maintain a minimum cumulative index of 3.5 for a maximum of eight (8) consecutive semesters taking a maximum of 16 credits each semester for renewal. Recipients must also file the required financial aid applications annually for renewal of this scholarship. Application deadline: December 15.

Dominican Academic Scholarships
These partial tuition scholarships, ranging from $4,000 to $20,000 are based on academic achievement. Recipients must be first semester full-time freshmen who must maintain at least a 3.0 cumulative index for a maximum of eight consecutive semesters for renewal. Recipients must also file the required financial aid applications annually for renewal of this scholarship. Application deadline: March 1.


Thank you. I hate to project since some things have been major disappointments this year, but I think she’d do well. Weighted GPA is 4.25, lots of college courses, will complete our state college honors program before h.s. graduation and was just inducted into a national college honors society. No test scores, but she got a text inviting her to Molloy’s honors program, though we can’t do anything with that info yet. We meet with Rebecca on zoom on Wednesday. Can’t come soon enough for me! I wish we could visit in person.

We have a Cappie.

D accepted last night, paid the deposit and wrote Rebecca as well, who shot back a quick and wonderful note welcoming D to the Molloy/CAP21 family. We’re genuinely excited and feel like D could not have found a better destination and program.


Welcome to the family!


Woo Hoo!! Welcome @namenotusedyet to the family!! :smile:


Congratulations @namenotusedyet and welcome to the Molloy/CAP21 family!!! I am sure it’s such a relief to have the decision made!


D has been invited to the Honors program at Molloy. Any thoughts or experiences?

@namenotusedyet I don’t have any experience with the honors program - hopefully someone else does. That said, I’d look into what the commitments are and the time involved. As freshmen with no performances, they’ll be busier than your average college student due to their 2 days at CAP. They’re generally in class from 10am-5pm in the on those days (with a lunch break). That’s about a 9-10 hour full day with commute. Once they get to sophomore year, the “busy” ratchets up. Now they’re in the city 3 days per week, and they have rehearsals for their project performances. Rehearsals are usually scheduled to run til 10pm 3 evenings per week (and run late some times) and 11am - 9pm on Saturdays. Once they’re into projects, they really have Sunday off plus anytime they’re not in class on their 2 Molloy days. There’s a lot of work to be done for class as well. Your student will be busy without adding an honors program. So - my question would be - is the juice worth the squeeze? Maybe it is - maybe it isn’t. Probably depends on your specific student.


So fun - Molloy just posted this video featuring a number of the MT kids - we’ll see if CC will take the link.