BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

Rebecca sent it to D this morning. D would move in TODAY after seeing that. Really, REALLY well done, and has all of us excited about what’s to come. That’s a helluva recruiting tool.

We may have watched it a few times already today…


I’m sorry I’m late on this…I might be one of the best people to answer your question. My D was no dancer, and no mover either, to tell the truth. I saw a big improvement by sophomore year, and she just got better and better as time went by. After junior year, she booked a local theater company that toured LI all summer… Hairspray. Her HS director and choreographer came to see one of her shows. They couldn’t get over it…she was a DANCER! And now the proof is in the pudding…except for the pandemic, she’s been employed consistently since graduation day in 2018. CAP21 gets all the credit. It wasn’t easy, but they made her what she is today.


Wow…welcome to the family! I’m a little jealous; I LOVED those college days. We are lucky enough to live close to Manhattan…I got to see every Project. It was so much fun to watch D and her cohort saunter and dance (literally) down the street…even jaded New Yorkers turned to look. Enjoy these four years, and break a leg!


A couple of online/Zoom orientations, and since DD is working through three different conservatories this summer (all leads, :slight_smile: ), she won’t be able to make her in-person orientation until the day before classes, but that’s OK.

Anyway, we got the move-in day appointment last week and will get the first semester schedule Monday. Getting awfully real.

Two months. Here we go.


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@namenotusedyet Exciting times! Today is two years since my daughter’s orientation! Seems like yesterday. She has had a great experience and is looking forward to a more normal year this year! What dorm is your daughter in? Enjoy every moment of the time she has left. It definitely flies!


She’ll be in Fitzgerald, moving in Sept. 5, and excited about her roommate, who is also CAP21. Any dorm tips, especially with regard to Molloy, would be helpful.

Just a quick note to say D is home from the freshmen summer “intensive” and she had a great time. The summer program was aptly named as it was intense, but the training was great and she learned a lot. Basically was all training all day every day when you include practicing and prep. Time for a little break and then back to the city. Lots of great stories about the instructors and their backgrounds. Very talented group.


What is everyone’s thoughts on the meal plan at Molloy/CAP21? With it being money-based and not “meals per week,” I guess I’m not quite understanding how the Ruby plan - or any plan - is enough to cover an out-of-state student for a full semester. Any help in understanding is appreciated.

Yes I don’t really see the point of their meal plan. As you say it’s not a number of swipes per semester or meals per week. It’s just a decreasing dollar balance account. Doesn’t cost any different if your kid would just pay with their own debit/credit card. I guess the one advantage is convenience as the balance is on their student ID so they don’t need to carry a credit card with them. Other than that, it’s of no additional value. Living on campus I believe you have to have one. I would get the least costly and then add money either to their “Lions Bucks” or two their bank account and let them manage it.

We paid for the Ruby and it was nowhere near enough. Food in NY is expensive. D did a fair amount of grocery shopping and that’s also expensive. But when they go out in the city, it’s way expensive. D doesn’t eat that much. All in it was a lot more expensive than my other college kid who eats like a horse. But he always had the swipe type plan.

Hi @namenotusedyet - On the dining plan, you can always add money if you run out. On the flip side, your funds will roll over from fall to spring semester, but if you have anything left at the end of the year, it does not roll over to the following fall. I think we had the bronze meal plan when S. lived on campus, and that worked out about right for him. I do remember him saying that the prices in the dining hall are more expensive if you pay any way other than with your student ID.

Well everyone, it has been a fun and fast few years as a cappie parent on this thread, but my kiddo has decided to change majors - so I’ll be dropping off. Best wishes to everyone!

@speezagmom - Wishing you and your S all the best!

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Well, we are in town from North Carolina. Move-in Day is tomorrow afternoon.

Here we go.

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Moved in Sunday, and she seems pretty happy. Sounds like she’s hung out the last two nights with fellow Cappies. Onward…


Good luck to your D (and to you). Exciting times for sure. This yr should have so much more promise with Broadway reopening and, vaccine availability, etc.

As a sophomore, my D would tell you first yr was a lot of work (although it was a different format with so much being pushed in to the summer intensive) and it provided ample opportunity for growth. She came in as quite a strong singer / actor. Made progress in both. Able to hit notes comfortably that used to really challenge her. Expanded her range for sure. Dramatic progress in dance. She was a decent mover but clearly the worst of her three skills. Much better now and much more confidence. Instructor told her to stop “hiding in the back” and is convinced she has “front line” ability. She’ll never be a Rockette. Not her body type or natural movement style, but more than capable to dance in shows.

Loves the instructors as they are willing to go beyond class to help develop skills and interests. Been doing a good bit of writing and getting feedback from the instructors. Lots of angles to this business.


Really appreciate this, thank you. CAP21 Orientation is today, and then off and running with placements tomorrow.

I’d say D is similar -actor/singer and then dance. So, if she has a year of progress like yours, sounds like we’ll all be pleased.


D is almost through with her first semester and has been thrilled with her choice of Molloy/CAP21. Growth in every area already, but perhaps most importantly, in her confidence. She feels like she belongs, that she’s thriving, has made terrific friends, and while these last two weeks are brutal for the amount of work as the semester comes to a close, she mentioned that she’s having fun, and that she’s actually enjoying musical theatre training MORE. Her passion has been reaffirmed.

There will be some minor attrition with her class as some students are finding the grind isn’t for them, or that they want to pursue other areas of performance. But D feels like the caliber of her class is very strong, and varied.

We’re grateful that after the prescreen/audition season (thank GOD we’re not going through that again) she had a few choices. She seems to have made the correct one for her.


@namenotusedyet - so glad to hear! Yes, it is a rigorous and incredibly busy program! My Ds class has definitely changed from freshman year to senior year, but many of those who left decided to go another direction/pursue other career options.

I cannot believe she will be graduating in May! The 4 years fly by!!


So true, @JavaJo. I can’t believe how quickly this first semester went. And, of course, she’s already hinting about living in the city next year. I just love that she loves the grind!

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My D and many of the rising sophs did decide to move to the city for sophomore yr. They had the unlucky timing of experiencing freshman yr on campus during a very harsh covid scenario. Things are much better and are far more open this fall than the spring (was the first time they were allowed on campus). It was not a good experience being there as nothing was going on. No live anything (clubs or shows or anything). Dining hall was “to go” and several times studio classes were remote due to outbreaks. So moving out was a great option as they didn’t want to risk another semester like that. I see the activities now and it’s sooo much better. Don’t get sticker shock when they look for apartments. My D is tripling up in a tiny space (has her own 6X12 bedroom) and is way more expensive than the dorm. But she has the thrill of the city right outside (live in Manhattan).