BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

Just dropped D off for her second semester and now taking a minute in an airport bar at JFK. She’s so excited to be back, has made incredible friends and is ready to get back to the real work.

I can’t emphasize how much Molloy/CAP21 has been the right decision for her.


A little surprised this thread hasn’t had much (any) engagement through audition and acceptance season.

D is home for a few days from CAP21 for Easter. She has a few vocal video assigments over break and she’s filming today.

And…well, wow. Her range and strength are so much further along after her freshman year. Beautiful.

And her typical perfectionism is even more amplified now. I do feel, sometimes, she allows that to get in the way of things, but that’s who she is, and it’s also the standard of the program. She feeds off of that.

Molloy/CAP21 has been the perfect choice for her.


My son is down to 2 (or 3) programs. Yesterday he met with a national audition coach to help him sort through his choices. The coach told him it’s obvious he wants to go to Molloy/CAP. I’ve read several times that it’s NYU but without the price tag. Do you have any other feedback? I’ve communicated with a few other parents but want to be sure I’m getting as much information as possible before he commits. We did appeal for more aid as it seems there are hidden costs regarding transportation and food. Also, do many kids remain on campus sophomore year? Thanks!

Hi @Chemgirl1 , and congratulations to your son! I will try to answer a couple of your questions. CAP21 used to be the musical theatre training for NYU, then NYU and CAP21 split ways and NYU developed their own in-house program. CAP21 offered a 2-year certificate program for a few years, until Molly College reached out to them to partner so that they could again offer a BFA (4-year degree). So, that being said, many of the teachers at CAP21 either have in the past taught at NYU, or are currently teaching at both Molloy and NYU. Many of my daughters teachers over the last 4 years (she is a senior and will be graduating in May) have taught at several NYC based programs including NYU, Pace, Manhattan School of Music, etc. So, yes, in a sense it is like getting an NYU training without the NYU pricetag. :wink:

In terms of whether many of the students stay on campus sophomore year, it varies. Pre-pandemic, most of the sophomores stayed in the dorms freshman and sophomore years, and then moved to apartments junior and senior years. I know the pandemic altered this a bit when the CAP students had a summer session in lieu of having all classes online fall of 2020 - because the freshmen class needed to stay for summer classes summer of 2021, many opted to get an apartment rather than stay in the dorms. Thus, many stayed off campus for sophomore year. So, not sure what the norm will be moving forward, but like I said, prior to the pandemic, most sophomores stayed in the dorms (this also allowed the freshmen and sophomores to pair up and share LIRR monthly passes and thus keeping the travel costs down :wink: ).

So I hope that helps a bit. Let us know if you have any other questions!

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Thanks so much for your response! Has your daughter enjoyed her time there? Does she feel that her training has been good? He is really close to committing - we’re waiting on an appeal for more financial aid.

@Chemgirl1 - overall, yes. Her training was of course interrupted and different than expected because of covid - but what can you do… Her class started with one head of the program and switched to another part way through so there were some shifts and changes here and there as well. Her class was a very vocal class, and if something didn’t sit well with any of them, they were sure to let the CAP staff know. I will say that the CAP staff (at least most of them) seem very receptive to student feedback and they seem to genuinely take that feedback to heart. They seem to be open to modifying the course of study based on feedback received from students!

But overall, she definitely grew and learned a lot. We shall see where her path goes after graduation :wink:

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Hello! Our son will be attend Molloy/CAP21 this fall!

I haven’t needed to post any questions here since my wife has been talk with Molly parents over on some facebook group. I think this is a bit of a bummer since the mood over here is so supportive and seems possible facebook could be the downfall of modern society. “haha”

Anyway, I wanted to thank everyone in this thread who have posted over the years. It was nice to get so much information about the program, travel/lodging advice, as well as the raw enthusiasm for Cap21!

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@Chemgirl1 - checking in to this thread for the first time in forever! My D was a member of Class One (2018). I can’t say enough wonderful things about this program. My D had a great experience…very rigorous training, but the proof is in the pudding: D has been continuously employed, except during COVID when no one in show business had a job. So go for it! You won’t be sorry!


Thanks so much and congrats to you daughter!

I drive from Smalltown, NC to NY tomorrow to move D out of her dorm Friday to close her freshman year. She’s with classmates at “A Strange Loop” tonight.

I am so f*cking proud of her.