BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21

When my D was a freshman, she had piano, voice and one of the acting classes on the Molloy campus as well as her gen eds. It’s a full day, believe me!

Thank You

@EastchesterMom Hi, I have been accepted to the BFA/CAP 21 program and I will be visiting New York in April to go on campus tours for Molloy and CAP 21! Do you or anyone have recommendations for hotels around the area?
Also, who else is from Texas that has been accepted and/or attending CAP 21/Molloy College program? I am from Texas and I would love to talk about the program as I am still deciding on where to go for college.

@ZLo123 We are from Texas. We visited Molloy in December ( when the weather was actually nice ) and CAP21 last summer. We visited with Ricky Oliver. It was what pretty much sold my D on Molloy/CAP21 being her number 1 choice. We wont be going to accepted students day due to softball season, but I know hotel wise, the hotels on Long Island seem to be a lot cheaper than in Manhattan. I would look for something around LaGuardia. It is just about a 20 min drive from there to the campus. What part of Texas are you from?

There are students from Midland and from Dallas in Class One and the Class of 2019!

@EastchesterMom I am from the Dallas area! I’m am very excited to know that there are Texans in New York as well! I would love to talk to your daughter @mtandsbdad :slight_smile: CAP 21/Molloy College is in my top two choices so by visiting the campus I’m sure I’ll make a decision from there.

@ZLo123 … My daughter was inundated last year and now won’t let me give her email address out! When you get to campus, be sure to ask to meet current BFAs. If your visit is on a Monday or Wednesday you will meet Class Ones (the sophomores). If not, you will meet the freshmen. Ask if you can go to CAP21 and sit in on a class. I know you’ll be hooked!

Sent you a message @ZLo123

@mtandsbdad @ZLo123 Hi! I am also from Texas and have been accepted to the class of 2020! I would love to get to know more people in my potential class! We actually have a FB group and a chat going, so I’ll message you both so that your (mtandsbdad) daughter and you (ZLo123) can be added! Congrats on acceptances! :slight_smile:

Molloy, here we come… LOL. has always been D’s top choice, but was made official today. Looks like we will be mailing in deposits, and housing forms ASAP… Looking forward to getting her out of this small town where there has not been much training, and she has done it all on her own, to a place where professionals can blossom her talent and grow her professionally. Cant wait to see what the next 4 years bring.

Congrats, @mtandsbdad! The long and difficult road to an MT program is


Hello Everyone!
I was recently admitted to the Molloy/Cap21 program! I am waiting to hear from one more college but I will probably be attending in the fall. I would love to be apart of the facebook group chat too!
My only concern with the school is the cost.
I got a scholarship for my academics and I’m waiting for my financial aid to see if I got a performing arts scholarship. Did anyone else get a performing arts scholarship?

Also, would it be possible to double major? I know it would be a lot more but I would like to add on music education

@musicjazzy – given the time commitment required of the BFA major, I think a double major would be extremely difficult if not impossible, particularly in music ed, which also has a demanding curriculum. That being said, make an appointment with your faculty advisor the minute you get to campus in September and see what’s doable… maybe you could do it by staying on an extra year (a fifth-year senior). Class One was told that there was no time even for a minor, but my D declared a minor in psychology last semester.

@EastchesterMom – Our D was accepted to Molloy BFA Class of 2020. You mentioned about meeting Class Ones on Monday/Wednesday. Which Monday/Wednesday are you referring to? During the orientation week that occurs in the summer or next week (after the Molloy Accepted Students Day on Saturday April 2)? Since we are traveling a considerable distance, are both the Accepted Students Day and the orientation in the summer worthwhile attending or can you skip the Accepted Students Day if you will be attending the summer orientation?

@briceboga - I was referring to the days when Class One is on campus this year (Mondays and Wednesdays) and the days they are at the CAP 21 studios (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday). I don’t know if Molloy intends to ask current BFAs to come to orientation weekend. Of course those who dorm will be around on Accepted Students Day on campus; it’s this Saturday. Orientation is run quite differently than it was when my D was an incoming freshman, so I have no clue what goes on now, but I would guess that if you had to make a choice about whether to attend Accepted Students Day or Orientation, Orientation would be it.

@musicjazzy Unfortunately, the Performing Arts scholarships do not appear to be available for the BFA Theater Cap21 students. At least that is what I read. I called Molloy last week and asked when the financial aid packets would be going out and was told it should be this week. We are deciding between Molloy and Boco. The sticker price is shocking all around.

@musicjazzy – you are correct. It makes zero sense! Hopefully when our kids make it big, they will give back and endow a scholarship for BFAs. But it won’t help our kids now. My own experience is that Molloy is very generous with merit money.
@myhopes&dreams4u … Wow, two very different programs! Decisions, decisions!

@EastchesterMom yes very different. My D was pretty set on Molloy and then Boco acceptance came and she’s concerned about making the right decision. Of course Boco is very pricey even with the scholarship she received. We are going to Molloy on Saturday for acceptance student day so we will see how that goes. She loved Ricky and CAP21 studios and of course NYC is the Mecca! I think the whole traveling back and forth on the train may be giving her pause, not having everything right there. She’s also wondering if she will miss having more opportunities to perform. On the other hand I’m not sure she wants to live in the City (Boston) and I know the small, residential campus is appealing at Molloy. I’m just freaking out about $$. First it was waiting for the decisions now its waiting on the FA packets. Crazy.