We’re just home from my daughter’s enrollment appointment and I’m full of deets.
Move-In Day: Thursday, August 20, will be different this year compared to previous years’ move-ins, per the presentation given today by the Director of the Honors College. OU will have construction in all directions by August 20, which would make Move-In Day traffic even more nightmarish than usual. So, parents will be given a Move-In time (which is what they do every year) only this year parents must report to the parking lot at Lloyd Noble Center at the assigned move-in time. Professional movers will unload Mom and Dad’s car, put Kid’s belongings into a giant box, and tote the box across campus and into Kid’s room. Then Kid unpacks.
I asked if this service would be free of charge to parents, and got a “fairly certain” “yes” from Housing and Food. All of the details will be firmed up by the time housing assignments are mailed mid-Juneish.
On another note, 2015 daughter got her schedule and is just giddy over it. She’d go tomorrow if she could. She was accepted into the Summer Bridge engineering camp dealio and will live on campus for it for the month of July. It will be a good introduction to dorm life before the school year begins.
I hope everyone’s enrollment visits go well! This is all so exciting
Also related to the construction: the loss of hundreds of parking spots normally reserved for dorm residents (freshmen specifically). The construction of the two new residential colleges is happening in these parking lots. Eventually a new parking garage will be there, but until then, parking availability has shrunk dramatically. Every University person who spoke to parents yesterday pleaded with parents against sending freshmen with their cars due to the lack of parking.
It will save us nearly $250 for a parking permit, so yay!
Thanks for info @HeliMom74 Did they say when the parking garage will be completed?
@3scoutsmom, no time soon; Fall 2017 was the “possible” date.
Drat! I was hoping for Fall of 2016 completion for the parking. D is going to need to have a car at OU to transport her instrument because she hopes to get some occasional paying gigs while in school. She plans to get a bike for around campus. Are there any off campus parking options?
I don’t know if there are any off-campus parking options.
Thanks for all the info @HeliMom74 Good to hear your D is so excited about her schedule.
Many of the churches sell parking passes. I believe the [Wesley Church, next to Cate,](http://www.okwesley.org)has already begun selling them. You should contact them for further info. I don’t know if they sell to non UMC members.
Thank you! I will start looking into this…