<p>WOW. I just found out today that I currently have a C+ in Physics...after getting an A- last semester. There are no more tests left in the year (and it's my test grades that are killing me). What should I do? Is it too late?</p>
<p>All my other grades are in the B+ to A range...and I was going to apply to the Ivies...how will colleges view this grade drop?</p>
<p>Apply to safeties and matches. Are you in your junior year? Is physics an important class to the major you’re applying to?</p>
<p>@chickenfiesta Yes I’m a junior…I think Physics is pretty irrelevant for my intended majors (econ, business, math). I was going to apply to safeties anyways but I was REALLY hoping to get into somewhere better.</p>
<p>At this point, you just say “Oh well”</p>
<p>What’s your overall GPA?</p>
<p>You do not need to go somewhere “better”. There are many good schools out there for econ, business, math etc. that are not super elite or selective, let alone Ivy institutions. A C+ Won’t kill your chances at such schools.</p>
<p>@Ctesiphon GPA will be fine…it was more of that downward trend that was bothering me. Yup, I know there are other schools than the Ivies, for example I’m applying to U Chicago ect.</p>
<p>@FigLeaves I hope you aren’t considering UChicago a safety/match, it is on par with the Ivies and just as tough to get into!</p>