Big mistake with Math 151?

My daughter is in Architecture. She was told to accept all AP credit at her NSC today during registration (which she did). This included an AP credit in AP Calc AB to replace Math 151. She was challenged by AP Calc in high school (B first semester and low A second semester, but with lots of extra credit and retakes allowed on failed quizzes and tests - so a padded grade), but she managed to get a 4 on the AP exam. I think it was a mistake to accept the credit and that she will struggle with going right into Math 152. I saw that she cannot change her mind in accepting the AP credit. Can she still take 151 anyway even if she took the credit? Can she undo this? I think her advisor steered her wrong. Thanks

She may want to try the old Math 151 exams at to check her knowledge. If she knows the material well, she should move on to Math 152. If she is lost in the material, she should retake Math 151. If she knows most of it well, she can review the bits she has trouble with and move on to Math 152.

Thanks for your response. I wasn’t sure if they would let her retake it since she took the AP credit? Would the class just replace her AP credit?

My son skipped both 151 and 152 with no trouble but I think the suggestion to take some 151 exams to see how she does is excellent advice. It seems some kids skip it fine, some had 5’s on BC Calc and fail 151, some get easy A’s retaking calculus, so it really comes down to what your daughter thinks after looking at the material. 151 is more then just a class its a lab as well.
As far as changing her mind, I do believe she can do that as long as she contacts her advisor prior to school starting. I know this is what my son’s advisor told him several years ago when he was going through this.

Thank you! I had a long night worrying about this. I really appreciate the advice.

Once accepted, you cannot reverse the AP credit.
But…see if this is an option. I do not believe Viz requires the calculus sequence to be taken on campus, as it does for engineering. Here is the degree plan for 19-20.
151 isn’t required until spring and 152 isn’t required third semester (fall 2020) Have her take Cal II (152) at a community college near you in summer and transfer the credit.
I would not suggest Blinn for 152. It can be as tough as A&M due to Engr Academy Agreement and don’t take it online through TAMU. Online courses are super expensive, more so than regular semester.

Thanks for the reply. She is emailing her advisor now and asking what the options are.

Let us know what the advisor says, @kristen618 . There are always questions about the MPE and AP, so your information will be helpful to others.

@kristen61b I agree that the advisor did not do her any good having her accept all her ap credit so soon. You have til senior year. As for math, great advice above. She can retake it but not for credit (this is my understanding). Please let us know what you find out. Don’t stress too much. It’ll all work out.

The advisor told her the AP credit could not be reversed. She gave her a phone number to call to talk to someone else about it. They also said no. So I think she will try to audit the 151 class this spring and then take 152 in summer at a community college near us and transfer it. It’s very frustrating. It feels like a tough start for her. It feels like she is set up to fail. The audit plan will depend on whether or not a prof will allow her to audit. They must have enough space and the classes are so full in those beginning classes. She plans to speak with some profs this semester about the situation and ask. Will they even let her audit if she hasn’t passed the MPE? This feels so ridiculous. Why are they so against just reversing the AP credit? She even started school yet. It doesn’t seem like it should be this big of a deal.

Thanks for everyone’s help. It’s nice to have somewhere to turn for help and advice.

That does seem a little harsh for an incoming freshman who doesn’t yet understand all the ins and outs. The good news, though, is that Thelma came up with a great plan regarding taking 152 over the summer and transferring it in! I really think your daughter is going to be fine, and having math out of the way will give her some flexibility in the number of hours and classes she can take. I don’t see this a a huge mistake - she may look back and realize it was the right move after all!

Edited to add: The 151 classes should be less full in the spring.

OK - I tried to edit my comment above but wasn’t able to for some reason. I wanted to add that if she wants to go ahead and take 152 this fall, there is a lot, and I mean A LOT, of help for freshmen like peer tutoring, office hours, and study groups.

The Academic Success Center is a great resource for finding tutoring on campus ( Students can drop in during the scheduled hours and get help with homework or studying for exams. I checked and MATH 152 is one of the subjects they hold hours for.

How many credit hours is she registered for, and did she sign up for 152 for this fall?

Thanks for the encouragement. I’m a worrier anyway and this is really sending me into a panic. She did not sign up for any math because she also has to take physics and both of those is just too much. She has over 40 AP credits so she should be able to take a really light spring if she needs to audit 151. She has 16 credits for fall now. That’s why they don’t start Math until spring on their program plan. There are a lot of required sequence classes for Viz that they have to start right away.

@kristen618 Before giving up I would look up the supervisor for the academic advisors in her department and make sure it absolutely cannot be reversed. My son did not end up reversing his, but he was told that it was possible in the summer before school starts. I looked up the school of architecture advisors’ contacts, here is the link:

Following up on what pbleigh said, if you are close enough to go in person, make an appointment with advising for the student AND parent(s) so you can explain the situation. If you are too far away, start making phone calls and emails yourself. I know they want the students to take over all communication, but when there’s a problem, a parent usually has to step in. Hopefully it’s just a matter of getting hold of the right person. If they still don’t reverse it, you have a very workable plan above. Please don’t worry - you obviously have a very bright daughter, and she will do fine either way!

Thanks everyone. I will try to persist with someone higher up. I really appreciate you all.

Q. How do I accept AP credits?
You must accept any AP credits before applying for graduation. You can accept AP credits in Howdy. For all other courses, you should accept AP credit only if it will substitute for something on your degree plan. You cannot go back and deny acceptance of AP credit once you accept it. Students can select the “Credit by Examination” link in Howdy in the Grades and Transcripts channel on the My Record tab. You will be taken to a screen that informs you of the exams awaiting a course credit decision. You will be advised you must consult your Advisor prior to accepting credit. Once an eligible exam is selected, you will see for which TAMU courses you can be awarded credit. When you select a course for credit, you will be instructed the decision cannot be reversed, per TAMU Student Rule 8.6 Any questions regarding testing and acceptance of credit should be directed to Data and Research Services at Credit By Examination
Good luck but you likely will meet with more brick walls with trying to decline accepted AP credits.

Besides taking Math 152 in Summer before Fall 2020 as I mentioned earlier, another thought, she could take Pre Cal second semester (Math 150 I believe) then Cal 1 summer school at community college and Cal II the following summer at CC, if it isn’t a pre requisite to other classes.
