Should I take math 151 at my local community college or at Texas A&M?

I have heard that math 151 at TAMU is one of the hardest classes at the whole university and a “weed out course”. I took AP Calculus in High School and have got As all the way through, however my teacher eased my class through way more than she should have. I am pretty sure I didn’t do too well on my AP exam. I got a good foundation last year with my Pre- Cal teacher though and made mid Bs and low As, so I am not terrible in math, so don’t get the idea that I struggle mightily. I am just trying to figure out the best way to do this. I have the opportunity to take it much cheaper during the summer at my local community college, which is a really good school. The cons of doing this though are:
1.I could ease my way through again at the community college and be in for a rude awakening when I have to take math 152
2. Someone advised me that I should get used to TAMU’s style of teaching
3. I could get rushed through since it’s a summer class

So far I have decided that I will wait and talk to the advisers during my NSC on July 1st-2nd and see what they advise, but I want to hear more opinions.
I have to decide by July 6th so please help me out

Thanks in advance

151 is cake compared to the classes you’ll take after that. So yes, take it at A&M.

Thank you for your reply. Are you sure it’s that easy?

It was easy to me because I took calculus in high school. It’s all relative but in general it’s not that difficult of a class. If it’s not easy to you now it will definitely seem easy to you later on while you’re taking more advanced courses. Regardless, I agree with whomever advised you to take it to get used to TAMU’s style of teaching too.

My daughters would say: Math 151 is not the “weed out” class but, rather, the Physics courses. Therefore, they used AP credits and passed on taking Phys 208 at College Station. Math 152 and Math 251 are challenging at A&M but not over the top and the earlier math classes did help them develop a good base for the later classes.

So it sounds like I just need to just take my other choice, a history class, over the summer, if any class at all. Or just study the math with my AP book or a tutor for the rest of the summer to brush up.