big mistake?!

<p>i was on my commonapp and just making sure that i was filling out all the requirements for my supplements, and i read my personal statement i wrote 3 months ago and thought to myself... ftw...was...i...thinking.. it totally sounds like a robot essay with no emotion because someone told me that you're not allowed to use apostrophes, which i found out recently isn't true. im so dumb.. it seriously sounds like this:</p>

<p>It.... It has... I am... I have... It will... </p>

<p>ughhh and it irritates me that i can't change it!!!! :( if my supplemental essays are good, which by the way are turning out muchhhhh better than my personal statement... my p.s. makes me wanna cry cuz it sucks so much.. would it boost my chances as opposed to if they were to only read my craphole p.s.? since my personal statement sucks but my supplemental essays are good, what would the adcomm think? man im just freaking out now.</p>