Big problem!

<p>Hi there! I have a question about admission, my best friend receive his SAT General score and its was bad, I mean he receive 1500, and its very strange, because his Subjects score was 800/800/800 math level 2, chemistry and US History! So, he now just devastated, does colleges will looked considering his perfect subjects scores with TOEFL ( 110) and 4.0 GPA but bad SAT general? I mean, he has still chances to apply some school like Purdue, WPI or Rensselaer? </p>

<p>Thanks a lot!</p>

<p>If you mean 1500 on a scale of 2400, that’s going to be a problem. A big problem. He’ll likely get knocked out of the running before anyone even looks at his other scores. He needs to retake the SAT.</p>

<p>He still has time to either retake the SAT or take the ACT in December. I would advise him to take the ACT, which many kids who are strong in math and science do well on.</p>

<p>Оk, thanks, I will send it to him</p>

<p>It’s Ok, if he will retake SAT in January, and then send it in february?</p>

<p>O, I find it, it will be not ok, but fine :)), to take January SAT scores. He will be very happy</p>

<p>It is very strange for him to get such low scores for SAT I when he scored 800 for SAT IIs. Maybe they made a mistake with SAT I, should he ask them to hand score his test to make sure they didn’t make a mistake.</p>

<p>Those scores together seem … odd. Did he study for the SAT? Maybe he should try the ACT.</p>

<p>Yep I know, he receive 750 on math in SAT general and Reading with Writing was horrible. I really dont know why, but he is very smart guy, I need to ask him whats wrong.
Yep, its strange, but he really receive 3 800 subjects. He will retake in january, so he has a plenty of time for SAR general</p>

<p>He may want to ask for a rescore, and either try to retake (late registration ends soon/there’s also “standby testing” in some places) in December or try to retake in January. Since he’s already studied, he should try to retake in December if at all possible. It seems very strange.</p>

<p>Today (11/22) is the registration deadline (with late fee) for the 12/14 ACT test date in 2013: [Registration</a> | Test Dates in the U.S., U.S. Territories, and Canada | ACT Student](<a href=“ACT Registration | ACT Testing Dates | The ACT Test”>ACT Registration | ACT Testing Dates | The ACT Test) . Standby testing can be requested through 12/6: [Registration</a> | Standby Testing | ACT Student](<a href=“ACT Registration | ACT Testing Dates | The ACT Test”>ACT Registration | ACT Testing Dates | The ACT Test).</p>

<p>Next monday (11/25) is the registration deadline (with late fee) for the 12/7 SAT test date in 2013: [U.S&lt;/a&gt;. Registration](<a href=“The SAT – SAT Suite | College Board”>SAT Dates and Deadlines – SAT Suite | College Board)</p>

<p>If the schools he is applying to do not accept tests from next year, these are the last two chances he has. So he should get moving on them. Some students do better on the ACT than the SAT, so doing the ACT is another chance for improvement.</p>

<p>A 750 on the math portion but 1500 overall means he averaged 350 on the reading and writing… I’ve heard jokes that all you have to do is put your name on the test to get a 350…I would make sure that he goes back and compares his test booklet (which he was able to take home) with the answers that College Board shows on their site. He needs to figure out what he did wrong – is it possible that he filled in the wrong bubbles? He should do MANY practice SAT tests over the next month and retake it in January. Register ASAP.</p>

<p>Most definitely, SAT/ACT scores are very important when applying to top-tier schools, and a 1500 on a 2400 scale is REALLY bad. It looks like your friend needs to STUDY, STUDY, STUDY to improve his test scores. I recommend trying out for the ACT, its easier. I took it an made a 34 Composite on the first try. Also, does he have any extracurricular activities, leadership positions etc. that make him stand out from the pack? Sometimes good ECs can offset below average test scores. Good luck. :)</p>

<p>Thanks guys!</p>



<p>Just to clarify . . . NO ONE is allowed to take home a test booklet, and answers are NOT posted online. There are three tests per year for which test booklets will be released shortly after scores are released, but only to those students who pay for that extra service in advance.</p>

<p>Hi there again, I just wondering, need to send scores before January 1 and after, when he receive SAT General Test results from January send again? Or just once?</p>

<p>If the schools accept January scores, then waiting until January (and sending all scores at once) is fine.</p>

<p>Check the schools’ requirements!</p>

<p>It will be better, if he send his subjects test first and complete application, and then send his January SAT Reasoning in February?</p>

<p>If the school accepts January scores, then there’s no reason to send any other scores before then. Check with each school!!!</p>

<p>Just get the application in by the deadline. The scores can usually arrive later.</p>

<p>Ok, thanks!</p>