<p>I was just wondering what the biggest disparity between a student's scores on a section was and if there is a story behind it (i.e. CR:800 M:500 or vice versa)?</p>
<p>I had a 150 point disparity between CR and Math. Story behind it? No, I’m just terrible @ math.</p>
<p>I had a 140 point difference between my Math and Reading. I suck at math, but I managed to narrow the gap to a 70 point difference.</p>
<p>I have around an 800 in Math but around 600 in reading…damn</p>
<p>750M and 630 CR here. well i just suck at CR lol, meh but pretty sure i can get it to 800M and 650CR~</p>
<p>800 math, 600 CR</p>
<p>690 math 690 reading… </p>
<p>0 point difference!</p>
<p>and a 640 writing…</p>
<p>i guess people good at math just can’t read passages…800 math and 660 CR</p>
<p>760 CR, 800 W -> 40 pt difference.</p>
<p>my first test, i got a 790 CR, 520 Writing</p>
<p>the first time i took it, 800 W 670 CR–> 130 pt difference</p>
<p>250 between Math and CR when I first took the SAT. God, this makes me laugh!
I really suck at CR.</p>
<p>lol. 750 math and 750 CR on the october test. somehow i managed to get the same score</p>
<p>I had a 760 CR and a 620 W. I don’t know what happened with my writing that day, but it bothered me for a really long time so I retook the SAT. This time I got an 800 CR and 760 W. I guess I was just having an off day the first time. xD</p>
<p>my friend has 780’s in math and writing but a 500 in cr.</p>
<p>780 math 600 wr :P</p>
<p>I think my math and writing scores must be reversed
W 800
M 740
because I got an 800 on the math sat II and a 35 on mAth Act and have finished lin alg and multivariable calc, it’s frustrating</p>
<p>i only got 40 point slower than you on the math section of the sat 1
but I only got a 660 and a 670 on math 2.</p>