<p>I was wondering how much your scores have increased when you were studying for the SATs. I took my first practice test and got in the 1800s (M: 740 CR:520 W:550). I know my CR and W scores are low and I'm trying to boost them up so I get get in the 2100-2200 range. So just list how much your scores increased by and what you did to get them higher/</p>
<p>My first score was kind of like yours only a bit higher in each section (800 M, 620 CR, 610 W)
and my second time I got a 780/680/760. So all I really improved in was writing (CR was just lucky, i think)
All I did was learn how to write a 12 essay (ended up getting an 11 though lol) and the grammar rules. I went from like 15 mistakes to 3.</p>
<p>So hopefully our similar scores (albiet mine about 60 points higher in each section) will help you realize your goal :D</p>
<p>Thank you I see writing as a quick fix mainly due to the fact that I’m getting used to the format (Stupid passive voice) but critical reading is a pain in the butt man.</p>
<p>just read more and memorize direct hits. also, check out the sticky for a very helpful CR guide.</p>
<p>anyways, back to the topic, I started at like 2100 and got up to 2270 ish but now i’m sort of stuck at this point due to careless m/w errors</p>
<p>note to self, 2+2 =! 5…</p>