On To The Next Test!!!!!!!

<p>i just recently took the SATs for the first time and did okay, but nothing to be happy about.</p>

<p>CR: 630
M: 620
W: 580 (10 on the essay; 53 on MC)
total: 1830</p>

<p>i was planning on taking the SATs again in October of next year and was wondering what i should do to study and raise my M and CR to around 700 and my W to about a 650? i didn't really study at all before the test this time so i hope i have plenty of room for imporvement! any suggestions would be amazing!</p>

<p>With a little practice, I'm sure you can get mid-high 700's in the writing given your current essay. People don't seem to realize how easy the writing multiple choice is to learn. The same 15 mistakes account for 90 percent of the test EVERY TIME (and the rest is just reasoning skills). Learn those and your score will skyrocket. Seriously, it could take 1 day to raise your score 100 points. And then, you just have to practice to get those common mistakes as learned (?) as possible.</p>