Bike rental options

<p>At BB they mentioned a bike rental program. I have not had any success finding information on it. Does anyone know anything about it?
We took my 10 year old bike in for a tune up in anticipation of bringing it down this Aug. for my daughter. The bike shop said it is a “perfect college bike” in the fact that it does not scream “new bike, steal me first” but it would need a good $100 to put new tires etc on it.
If we could rent one at a reasonable price it would eliminate having to get it there and back from 9 hours away.
Any thoughts or suggestions?</p>

<p>Here’s the link:</p>

<p>[Student</a> Affairs | Bama Bikes](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>Thanks, I misunderstood at BB. I thought it was an outside vendor that was in the business of renting bikes on a more long term basis.</p>

<p>My daughter kept 2 bikes in her room at Riverside (her RA was pretty cool about ignoring us while we wheeled in a tri bike and a road bike). She even rode her trainer in the dorm during winter months. If you do bring one, the bike shop in the campus rec center has a mechanic who is good and there is also a great bike shop called VeloCity as well.</p>

<p>WhitLo~can you share how she managed to arrange her room to be able to fit 2 bikes in it? D bought a nice bike from VeloCity during the fall semester (nice people! Really spent time with her in choosing a perfect bike), but it took a beating being kept outside all year. It’s going to our local shop to get cleaned up and would love some ideas of how to manage a bike in the room.</p>