Having a bike in campus/

<p>Is there a place where I can lock my bicycle?</p>

<p>i think I might need one in case the buildings are far away from each other</p>

<p>Yes, there are bike racks. Ever dorm has some and many buildings have them as well. Pays to get a ‘good’ lock…</p>

<p>Make sure to get a bike permit. You can do this online through the website (just search the website for “bicycle permit” and you will get a link to the page), and then when it is ready, the transportation department lets you know by email so you can pick it up. We ordered a permit for my son last night, since he has early move in today, and we already had his campus mail, so we were able to provide that info (though I was not sure why they needed that if my son has to go pick it up, but whatever :slight_smile: They give you a temporary one to print out (which I guess we will tape to his bike?) but it takes 3-5 days to get the actual permit. No cost for the permit, though, which is nice. Make sure to write down your bike’s serial number and take a photo so you can upload.</p>

<p>Also, we bought a new lock last night, but then this morning, my son was reading an article that recommends two locks (otherwise you might come back to find a bike with one wheel missing) and also recommends putting duct tape on your seat, to discourage thieves from stealing your bike seat (sounds ridiculous but I guess if a thief is desperate enough.) Anyway, we are going back to buy a second lock today.</p>

<p>my son did not buy a permit last year and had no problems with one lock… he is getting it serviced next week at Queen City cycles- cup nice shop!!</p>

<p>Glad to hear your son had no problems.</p>

<p>For the OP, though, the university transportation department does require that bikes be registered - and it is free - see the rules about it at <a href=“Bicycle Information – Parking Services | The University of Alabama”>http://bamaparking.ua.edu/bicycle/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>As far as two locks, well, of course personal preference, but my son did find it amusing Thursday to see what remained of a stolen bike - one wheel attached to the upright bike racks in Ridgecrest, hanging there attached by one lock. I only wish my son’s bike was old and ugly, and that second lock will help discourage a thief, but neither he nor I will worry about it. What can be done about people who stoop so low as to steal from others?</p>