Bill Nye the Science Guy went to Cornell? And taught there?

<p>ohmygosh, now I <em>must</em> go there. He's an internationally renowned scientific genius! </p>

<p>So, what do you think my chances are? :)</p>

<p>Applying for Fall '09 transfer. I know I don't have good chances like 99% of the chance threads on CC, so I might apply for Spring 10' instead. </p>

8th Grade: B-, C+, A- in 3 9th grade classes
9th Grade: 3.6 UW
10th Grade: 3.03 UW (D in art class)
11th Grade: 3.65 UW
12th Grade: 3.85 UW </p>

<p>UW GPA: 3.51 (would be 3.61 without the darn D)
SAT I: 2130 = 640M 720V 770W
SAT IIs: Lit 770 World Hist 620
8 AP's, some honors classes, started HS math/science in 8th grade, but math grades are low. Very competitive public school on LI.</p>

<p>AP Scores:
3 – Macro Economics, Italian
4 – Statistics, Psychology
5 – World History, U.S History, English Lit, English Language & Comp</p>

<p>EC's/Community Service:
National Italian Honor Society – Secretary
School Literary Magazine – Assistant Editor in chief
Peer Tutoring Club - English tutor
Teacher Assistant in Summer Camp for 2 summers
Community service at Islamic Center 4 yrs
National Latin Honor Society member – only 2 yrs b/c I had to drop Latin</p>

National DAR Society Good Citizen Award
Magna Cum Laude in National Latin Exam
AP Scholar with Distinction
High Honors in English award
High Honors in Italian award
Nassau County Certificate of Achievement...totally not an award</p>

<p>I’m a NYU freshman taking 4 classes. I’ve aced my midterms/papers/quizzes/labs so far, and I think my gpa will be at least 3.8. My classes are small so my professors know me and I participate a lot; should be good, not outstanding though. No leadership positions because they go to upperclassmen. </p>

<p>EC’s/Community Service:
Circle K – community service club
Earth Matters – environmentalist club
International Relations Club – IR is my minor </p>

<p>Applying for: College of Human Ecology PAM
NYS resident if that helps</p>

<p>You should take the Math IIC exam.</p>

<p>He's actually on campus quite frequently.</p>

<p>I sat in on one of his guest lectures in a PAM course...the class was Human Sexuality. He talked about men and their self consciousness over their "endowment" :-)</p>

<p>ohmygod I'm applying for PAM - imagine if I was in his class!!!! Everything I learned about science, I learned from him or the magic school bus....</p>

<p>Shifu - I emailed admissions to ask them, and they said not only do I not have to take a Math subject test, I also don't have to submit any SAT II's or my SAT I. Of course, I will submit them, but I'm not taking a whole new test.</p>

<p>It's up to you to take it. Schools like Stanford make SAT II optional... so...</p>

<p>What's the point? I asked HumEc admissions specifically if I should take it, and they said no. I've already taken 2 SAT subject tests...what's the point of taking another if it's not needed? Transfer requirements are different from a freshmans. It's not listed as "optional", it's simply not mentioned at all in the requirements list.</p>

<p>Oh then in that case just do well in your first year calculus. I really appreciate your tone.</p>

<p>I'm not taking calculus or math now. In the Liberal Studies Program at NYU, we have no freedom in our schedules. 3/4 classes per semester are assigned to us, and even the 4th "elective" is simply another required course. I never had the option of taking Calculus. Our courses revolve around the humanities. </p>

<p>HumEc admissions like to see transfer applicants taking classes similar to the HumEc curriculum, but NYU has made that I tried to take Biology 1st semester, got Environmental Science instead. After this, I won't get the option of taking another science class for 3 semesters...our classes are basically assigned to us. I'm explaining this in the "additional info" section of my application, also discussed this with an admissions officer over email...still, it worries me.</p>

<p> often give great advice to freshman applicants. Transfer admissions is a very different arena so think twice before posting. Just like I do not give freshman admission chances because I'm not familiar with them...but am rather knowledageable with transfer admissions.</p>

<p>ok then dewdrop, why not share some of your knowledge on this thread with me? I would appreciate any advice, especially from a Cornell transfer :)</p>

<p>so…no one actually chanced me or suggested how I could improve, we sorta just talked about bill nye and SAT subject tests. </p>

<p>Any suggestions? btw, is it true being from NY helps if you’re applying to the contract colleges? I’ve seen people debating that on the board.</p>

<p>what major are you applying into in HumEC?</p>

<p>PAM - I mentioned it at the end of the thread, sorry.</p>

<p>If Hum. Ec is like CALS, following the course requirements to transfer is a must. I just looked it up on Cornell.Edu, and it seems to be like CALS. If you have a 3.3+ in the required prep. coursework, consider yourself a strong candidate. The key is to follow the required prep. coursework. Here’s a link:</p>

<p>PDF: not sure if it will open
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hum.Ec. Page: [Prospective</a> Transfer Students](<a href=“]Prospective”></p>

<p>I know, but I have no control over my classes. None. Zero. Nada. Zip. I’m in LSP, which is a program within CAS at NYU. A lot of students who apply “undecided” get placed in it. 3/4 of my classes are assigned. The fourth is chosen from a list of about 3 electives, and has to be another required class. I won’t really get to choose a class the way most students do until Soph year. I emailed admissions about this and they said they understand certain colleges have certain requirements - I’m thinking of mentioning it on the “additional info” on my application or maybe emailing them again about it after I submit my application. I’m worried it’ll hurt my chances.</p>

<p>I did try to take classes HumEc students do - For my elective this semester, I signed up for Bio, a required HumEc class - got Environmental Sci instead. Can’t take science again till soph year. It blows.</p>

<p>^ Ohhhh I see… well, they are probably familiar with NYU LSP. Plus, if all does not go well, there is always transferring as a junior. Best of luck</p>

do you think it’s better to wait, or apply for fall '09? I mean of course I would like to switch schools as soon as I can…but if my chances of being accepted for fall '09 are really too low, then maybe I should wait to be safe.</p>

<p>I would shoot for '09 and if it’s a bust, go for '10. I mean all it’s going to show is how much you want to go there. Plus, I’m sure if you don’t get in, the coursework will be a huge factor. So, if you could take a lot of the required courses next year, then it would be like, “I fixed what you didn’t see last time, and I still want to go here.” I couldn’t see them rejecting someone who did that and had good GPA’s to boot. But yeah, I def. think you should apply for fall ''09.</p>